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Static Pages Do Not Appear In Newsfeeds

We see occasional confusion, in Blogger Help Forum: Learn More About Blogger.
How do I let my readers subscribe to my pages?
A static page, by definition, does not produce newsfeed content. This is one original purpose for the static pages feature, in Blogger blogs.

You can publish posts, to any non home page, as you wish - and create a dynamic page.

From a label based dynamic page, you can publish a labels newsfeed. Then, you can publicise your label feed.

Any feed based accessory gadget - such as a "feeds" gadget, a "Subscribe to my blog" gadget, or even a "Subscribe to email from my blog!" gadget will use a labels feed, as well as a posts feed. A label search produces a subset of the posts - and a labels feed is simply a subset of the blog posts newsfeed.

If you want specialised content on a page, separate from the main page - and you want to distribute your content using a newsfeed - make a dynamic page based on a label. That will give you the feed that you need.


Carla said…
I still have the 'prove you're not a robot' thing on my blog comments and people have stopped commenting. How do I get rid of it?
Aaron Johnson said…
That's an extremely helpful post! And speaking about pages; I occasionally create dynamic pages for my blog posts, and setup each news feed to allow readers to subscribe to different topics on my blog.

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