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Adding Label Search Pages To A Dynamic Template

We've been dealing with the limitations of the dynamic template - how you can't easily edit dynamic template HTML code, with a blog published to a dynamic template - for a while.

At one time, you could link a dynamic and non dynamic view of the blog - and let your readers use the sidebar, and the many options there, in non dynamic view - and switch back to dynamic view, for the comments and posts. That choice was taken away, in 2014, because of "privacy issues".

Like Designer and Layout templates, you can add a Pages gadget - and index dynamic pages, like label searches - as you may have done with gadgets on static pages.

Dynamic templates now support positioning of the Pages gadget, in the menu bar - and let you add both dynamic and static pages.

If your blog, published to a dynamic template, doesn't have a pages menu, in the menu bar, you can always index the label searches in your blog, from a linklist in the sidebar. Or, you can upgrade your blog.

Using a working Pages gadget, add dynamic pages, referencing one or more label searches which interest you. And make sure that the pages are properly sequenced, in "List Order".

Checkout the blog, using a non dynamic template, and make sure that the Pages gadget works as expected. Once you have what you like, go back to the Template wizard, and re select the non dynamic template.

With the blog once again using a dynamic template - and if you added / relocated the Pages gadget into the Tabs section of the template, you should now see your label searches, indexed in the menu bar, just below the title section of the blog. You can see my favourite topics, now indexed in my "Musings" blog menu bar.

You may not have room for every topic, in the menu bar - but you can pick your favourites. And you can still index all of the label searches, in a linklist, which will work in the pop out sidebar.


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