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Dynamic Templates Becoming More Usable

Possibly encouraged by less than positive reviews, Blogger has recently enhanced their dynamic templates.
Dynamic Views are a set of templates that make it easy and fun to explore a blog. As you might expect, we’ve made the gadgets interactive too. Instead of appearing in a panel that consumes valuable real estate on your blog, gadgets now appear in a dock that slides in and out as you move your cursor over them.
Now, at least some of the gadgets in the sidebar will be visible to your readers, when they visit your blog, as viewed using a dynamic view.

The shiny new dynamic views are now more usable for us - with our readers able to see some of the sidebar gadgets which we may accessorise our blogs.

You may now read this blog, using a dynamic view.

If you're in non dynamic view, look above. See the link in the linkbar, "DYNAMIC"? Click on that, and you'll see the "home" page post, for this blog - today, you'll see this post. If you're already in dynamic view, you'll be here.

Click on the picture, to see more detail. See the vertical bar, in the right margin, just left of the scroll tab?

Don't bother clicking more than once, though.

As you view a blog dynamically, you'll see the "docked sidebar" artifact, the vertical bar, there in the right margin of the display. Hover the mouse right over the vertical bar, and see what pops out at you.

Watch the CPU and memory displays on your computer, too. This shiny new feature is not for marginally overloaded computers - but for those who can use it, the dynamic views just became shinier.

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Anshul said…
Though, it still has to go a long way on the path of usability...I would consider it usable if they accept for html/javascript and a more visible susbscribe widget than an invisible dock
Yeah, they need to make that side dock with shiny colors, perhaps with words on them, like vertical tabs.

The worst thing for me is no blog search. When is that coming?
drerhumu said…
It still gives me a lot of headache, ads don't readily appear on it, especially below the blog header, also find editing a chore. It seems not to be readily supported by My Asus eee pad which uses a safari 4.0 browser and my blackberry.

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