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Blogs Viewed, Using A CC TLD Alias, Will Use "BlogSpot.Com"

We're starting to see some evidence of confusion, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about the impact of the new CC TLD aliases, upon indexing and reputation.
There's no cache for my blog, after redirecting to a ccTLD!
This is an example of the confusion, from a concerned blog owner.

99% of all Blogger blogs will see no difference, in indexing or reputation, to their blog, in Blogger / Google services.

Properly constructed Blogger blogs always reference a "" URL.

Every BlogSpot published blog, which uses a standard blog header, has a "Canonical" tag, defining the "BlogSpot.Com" URL for that blog.

Search engines which recognise the Canonical tag will simply index all BlogSpot content, whether accessed as "", "", or whatever new CC TLD alias is deployed in the future, under the base URL, "". Blogs such as this one, published outside "", will continue to be indexed under the current non BlogSpot URL.
<link href='' rel='canonical'/>
That's the Canonical tag for this blog, "".

For proper sharing, always share your blog using "".

If your blog is published to "" (any non custom domain), the blog should be shared using a "" URL. Some security devices and programs currently detect the country local domains as spoof attempts, against "". If you try to share your blog using a country local domain URL, your share may be rejected by FaceBook, LinkedIn, and other services.

Search engine metrics are always checked as "blogspot,com", if no custom domain.

When you check the Page Rank, you should continue to check the "" URL - if your blog is published to "".

Some non Google services such as Alexa - and some third party accessories such as commenting, provided by Disqus and Intense Debate - are known to require tweaking of their code, so they will recognise the Canonical tag for the host blog. Once the code is properly updated, they should simply reference the host blog under the "" alias - no matter where the blog viewer may be geographically located.

It also appears that the Stats "Traffic Sources" display is displaying the different CC aliases, rather than aggregate inlinks using the canonical URL. This is causing some confusion with people who are not yet aware of the CC aliases, and their purpose.

Some Blogger features only reference the Blogger blog name.

The "Forgot?" wizard, on the other hand, uses only the blog name. Whether you are seeing your blog as "" (in Canada), as "" (in Mexico), or "" / "" (in the USA), you'll always use only "xxxxxxx" when recovering access to your Blogger account.

If your blog uses no third party accessories or services, relax just a bit - then get back to work on your blog.


M said…
Thanks for this post, Sir.
I'll use this & I hope it will help my blog to show up in Google search. :)
Candhinagar said…
Thank you so much for helping me and also for this helpful article.

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