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Dynamic Templates Display Blogs In One Page

Ever since Blogger installed auto pagination. Blogger blog owners have been asking
How do I disable auto pagination?
Why can't I display my blog on the main page, without my readers having to use "Older Posts?
The response, up to this year, has been simple.
You cannot disable auto pagination. You have to allow sharing of network resources.
Though technically correct, the latter response has not always been met with appreciation.

The solution, for avoiding auto pagination, is now simple. Install a dynamic template, on your blog.

With a dynamic display, an entire blog is presented in main page view, with no archiving needed.

A dynamic view presents one page at a time - just without requiring clicking.

You get one display page at a time - either the index, or blog content, depending upon which view you select. To see earlier content, you simply scroll downwards, and wait a few seconds while the display refreshes.

The display is still segmented - the segments are simply selected fluidly. When the display is scrolled to the bottom, the dynamic display code (running on the personal computer of the reader) simply requests another page of content, from the Blogger server.

The readers using a non dynamic blog view are not affected.

Since the content is coming from the blog feed, your other readers, using a non dynamic view of the blog, are not affected.

The average reader, who cannot see any more than one page of content at a time anyway (current monitor technology provides limited sized displays) never knows, or cares (subject to bandwidth and processor limitations) that the entire blog is not downloaded to the local computer, immediately.

Within limits, you can combine dynamic and non dynamic views in one blog.

If you want to let your readers use a dynamic view (non paginated), or a non dynamic view (paginated), depending upon personal preference, you can link the dynamic and non dynamic views.


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