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Static Pages, With Multiple Posts, Using Labels

If you want to publish multiple "posts" on a static page, using a standard Pages Index gadget, you just edit the static page as required. That gives you multiple "posts" that never appear in archives or label retrievals, or on the main page, on one true static page.

If your need for a "static" page is simply to have a collection of "posts", linked from a tabs index, make a custom pages / posts index gadget, and index label retrievals. This gives you multiple posts that will initially appear on the main page, and on any number of dynamic indexed (archives / label retrievals) pages.

Continuing my "Contact" example from Static Pages, With Multiple Posts, I can publish any number of individual posts using the label "Contact". Then, my "Contact" tab uses a label search for "Contact" as the target, replacing the URL for a static "Contact" page.

Any time that I need an additional post published on the "Contact" page, I just add the "Contact" label to the post, publish the post, and there it is.

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ANGEL said…
Thanks for the info. I will take that into consideration.
Griffstangert said…
Unbelievably useful. This was exactly what I wanted to do. Thanks so much!
Unknown said…
I have not tried what you recommend above, but does it also enable ability to comment on those pseudo posts on the static page separately? I can get to 'allow comments" for the full static page, but how would you allow it post specific?
Nitecruzr said…
does it also enable ability to comment on those pseudo posts on the static page separately?

If the individual posts are setup in "Post Options" to allow comments, then comments will be allowed. But these are real posts, not "pseudo posts".
Miss Kittoo said…
Thank you so much for the info! I do have a question though. I've set up my labeled posts to appear on the static pages, but the post is also showing up on my "main" blog page. Can you explain how to get it to not show up on this page also. Like this:

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I'm new to blogging, and your posts are ridiculously helpful. You're the only person who explains everything I need to know in such easy to follow steps. Thank you so much!

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