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Blogger Outage In North America

Over the past weekend, numerous bloggers in various areas of North America (Canada / USA) have reported an problem
Blogger is currently unavailable
when trying to login to Blogger / access the dashboard, and to publish posts. The problem is most frequently reported by bloggers in the MidWestern regions of Canada / USA, but has been reported in Canada as far west as British Columbia.

In the rollup discussion, Blogger Support provides a status
Thanks for your patience and help everyone. This is now fixed.

Some idea of the scope of the problem might help Blogger focus on the problem a bit. If you are observing this problem, some details would be good.
  • What ISP do you use?
  • Where are you located (City, State, Country)?
  • A PathPing or TraceRt log might be useful.

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I can NOT EVEN BEGIN to tell you how LIVID I am about this "isolated access issues in certain regions" crap! I just dreamed up the most read-worthy online-content I've dreamed up IN WEEKS. WHY did this have to happen TODAY OF ALL DAYS??? WHY???

#sigh Okay, nobody panic, I'm calm now. I really am grateful for the opportunity to vent about this to someone who actually understands #smilesandhugs (I get so annoyed at online-community-members who just assume that "If it works just fine on MY computer, it should work just fine on YOUR computer unless YOU YOURSELF are doing something wrong" #ReallyPissesMeOff )

It is a good thing that I've got other blogs on other sites, although this Blogger Dot Com site really does seem to be more popular (or so I've been told, anyhow)

Anyhow, I guess it's all good or whatever (btw: You've just acquired a new subscriber to this blog: Me #smilesandhugs )
Jans Funny Farm said…
Glad I checked your blog yesterday. I wasn't having any problem but some of my blogging friends were and I sent them your link.

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