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Getting Out Of the Designer Templates

The new Template Designer, previously a Draft Blogger feature, was added to Production Blogger this week. And just as some bloggers are discovering how exciting they are, others are discovering that the Designer templates have downsides.

Fortunately, even though the Template Designer wizard is part of Production (Orange) Blogger, you can revert your blog and recover the Layout template, if you decide that the Designer template isn't to your taste.

Just go to the "Edit Template" wizard, and look at the bottom section "Old Templates". If your blog has a Designer template, you should have a link to "Select Layout Template".

Under "Old Templates", find "Select Layout Template".

Next, pick a new Layout template. Hopefully, you remember how to do this.

Now that the blog has a Layout template again, and hoping that you backed up the Layout template before you setup the Designer template earlier, just restore your backed up Layout template, if you find any remembered details missing.

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ramaraobobby said…
I admit that the new Template Designer feature added by blogger is definitely useful for those who blog just for fun and are still looking for a templates that suits best for their blog. But how do you think its useful for whose who have done a lot of edits to their custom template. For example, consider my tech blog - for which I have been using WP Ads theme with a lot of modifications which includes added meta codes and other codes from various services like tweetmemet etc., So now what I wanted to ask is, if I change my template all those edits will be gone.. isn't it?? so what's the use?? Hope the point I have made is clear and made sense to you...
Nitecruzr said…

Good questions, there. I think that Designer templates will help a lot, for blogs which have extensively customised CSS rules, because those rules can be customised using the "Add CSS" wizard.

Customised meta tags and external services, and updates to the template body, may be another issue.

Judging from the gradual implementation of the code, so far, I'd bet that Blogger has mode tweaks up their sleeves. I'll bet that there's some way of standardising template body customisations, like "Add CSS". We may have to be patient.
RamaRaoBobby said…
Thanks Chuck, always a pleasure hearing from your in-depth knowledge on blogging n stuff.
truffle buttons said…
Sohelpful! This was driving me crazy until I read this. Thanks a bunch.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the info.!
mhsands said…
Life saver!
Rose said…
Thank you, thank you!
Anonymous said…
thanks a lot i have hated the new template deigner for ages now and now i can get rid of it :)
C.J.L said…
OK now what about the people who have read you need to use Minima and changed to that but didn't back up there old layout and don't like minima and can't revert back to the updated layouts....Is there a way to do that, I need help. I'm new to blogging if u can't tell :-)
Nicki Cawood said…
My blog has run for a month - I have selected an !old" templated as instructed, no change (other than I have a different background but no new options/tabs etc. still design template). Is this because my blog is new and if so does this mean I can't take advantage of the features I want to ie adding multiple pages, and more?
Nitecruzr said…

I would like to work on this with you - but that will go much better if you post in BHF: Something Is Broken, so we can have a decent dialogue.
Karlene said…
i screwed up my blog and can't find my old template "minima stretch" anywhere...i can just find minima....someone please help me
Nitecruzr said…

This is an excellent subject for discussion in BHF: Something Is Broken.
Tara Celeste said…
thanks for the tip! Your blog was the only one that actually explained how to revert to minima.

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