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Blogger Blogs Redirecting To ""

This week, we are seeing a few reports from anxious bloggers that their blogs are redirecting to mysterious URLs containing the domain "". This is somewhat reminiscent of the "" hijacks of June 2009.
My blog site has been hijacked & redirects to:

Immediate reports from some bloggers suggest that removal of a possibly recently installed "Tweet This" gadget may be the most likely solution, when faced with this problem.

If you can access the "Page Elements" wizard, and if you have previously installed a "Tweet This" gadget on your blog, that's where you should start. Other blogs have the code installed directly into the template, and will have to use the "Edit HTML" wizard.

As with the "" redirect, this exploit has been seen to cause corruption of the blog or gadget template, which may redirect you to "" when you try to access the "Edit HTML" or "Page Elements" wizards. If you have this problem, you'll have to find out the blogID, then reference "Edit HTML" or "Page Elements" directly by URL.

In one case, the "" / "" redirect is being found on a blog that has a "falling snow" gadget.

After removing the offending code, don't forget to clear cache, before testing your change!

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Regina said…
That's great but I didn't add the "Tweet This" gadget to my blog. I've been blogging for so long I don't really need it. I do have Twiiterfeed plugged in to send out tweets, but not a gadget that's embedded in the Blogger code.
Unknown said…
regina, I totally didn't add that either. this is worrying me...
Nitecruzr said…
You both need to report your problems in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, so we can examine your blogs! Reporting here "I don't know what my problem is!" won't help you, nor will it help anybody else.
Shelley Rickey said…
Hi Nitecruzr,
I have also been hacked by smashingfeeds.
I don't have 'tweetthis' but do have 'addthis'.
Could that possibly be the problem?
Unknown said…
thanks..deleting my tweets fixed my problem..
Lily Mulholland said…
My blog was also hijacked. I removed the 'Tweet this' gadget from my blog thanks to your advice and it's now fixed. BTW I tweeted this post. Not via Tweetmeme!!
tomb said…
Thanks a lot, after I removed tweet this gadget all is ok.
I did NOT put anything new on my blog - and haven't for months. I still get re-directed - now.. what do we do?
Nitecruzr said…

Here's where I beg you to state the blog URL, so I can look and see.

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