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You Blog For Your Readers - Both Current And Future

This blog is almost 4 years old - I started it in March 2006. I review my visitor logs from time to time, and occasionally, I see hits against posts written in 2006. Sometimes, the logs show visits which start with posts written in 2006.

Were I to stop posting today, it's possible that someone may be reading this post in 2014 - or later. That is one example why the Blogger policy
Blogger accounts and Blog*Spot addresses do not expire.
remains valid, even with some bloggers complaining about "expired" blogs.

The noted complaints are not, specifically, about expired blogs - in general, bloggers do not care about "dormant" or "expired" blogs.

There are no expired Blogger blogs.

This is good, because in Blogger's eyes, there are no expired blogs. The bloggers in question only care about an expired blog when it is published to a URL that they believe is the perfect URL for their intended blog.

If you start a blog, that blog, and the URL that you publish to, is yours. Period. You can blog daily for 5 years, or never for 5 years, and either alternative - or one of dozens between the two - makes your blog equally valid.

A dormant / expired blog is just a blog with no recent updates.

If you see a "dormant" / "expired" blog, that is a blog that (currently) has no updates. Even if you see that a blog has no updates, you cannot see that the blog has no readers.

Only the owner (living or dead) - can (could) see that the blog has no readers. And even if a blog has no readers now, that does not mean that changes in world events might never make the blog relevant, at any time in the future.

If the URL of your choice - which would be perfect for your blog - is in use, you can't have that URL. Choose another that is not in use, and get to work making your blog well known. That's the alternative.


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