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Creating And Hosting Your Website

There are many services available on the Internet, for creating and publishing a website. Blogger provides some services so transparently, that people get confused, occasionally, about what Blogger can reliably provide. Blogger provides some equivalents of some of the services available - with others, you may be on your own, or at the mercy of the support staff for other hosting services.
  1. Blog content created on Blogger, hosted on BlogSpot.
  2. Blog content created on Blogger, hosted outside BlogSpot.
  3. Blog content created outside Blogger, hosted on BlogSpot.
  4. Blog content created outside Blogger, hosted outside BlogSpot.

Blog Content Created On Blogger, Hosted On Blogspot
This is the most popular content / hosting option. Simply use "Create a blog", pick an available BlogSpot name, choose a template, and start posting. Blogger One Button Publishing is so easy to use, many bloggers have no idea how many services are involved, here.

Blog Content Created On Blogger, Hosted Outside Blogspot
Here, after a Blogger blog is created, and hosted on BlogSpot, you had (some time ago) the option to re publish your blog to a Google server outside BlogSpot, or to a non Google server altogether. Both options had strong points and weak points. Note that the latter option, aka FTP Publishing, ended in May 2010.

Blog Content Created Outside Blogger, Hosted On Blogspot
Occasionally, someone wants to setup a blog using a desktop publishing product, then use FTP to load the blog to BlogSpot. This is, however, not an option in Blogger.

Blog Content Created Outside Blogger, Hosted Outside Blogspot
We also occasionally see requests for advice how to do this. Unfortunately, websites produced and hosted outside Blogger / BlogSpot are subject to the options and requirements of the publishing and hosting platform in use. Blogger is not involved here, at all. The nature of third party hosting services requires that you get any necessary assistance from the content and hosting service in question.

Just understand your options, and choose what's right for you.

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