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Another Example Why Blogger Isn't Solving The "Another blog is already hosted at this address" Symptom

Yesterday, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, we were treated to the start of a wildfire, with many bloggers, quite suddenly, reporting
Everything's been fine for months, but now I'm suddenly seeing "You're about to be redirected."
Help, I'm seeing "404 Server Not Found" again!
The cause of the problem was subsequently traced to another hacking action on the Internet, where a Distributed Denial Of Service attack was aimed at eNom, one of the custom domain registrar partners with Google. Within that morning, eNom mitigated the problem, and the problem reports in Blogger Help Forum trickled to a halt.

But the problem reports were only the primary result of the DDOS. We will, quite likely, see more results, in the weeks to come.

Before the (nascent) wildfire was recognised, the reported symptoms weren't all that interesting. The reports that I examined looked like more normal custom domain DNS problems - except when examined, all DNS addresses were found to be righteous. What's worse, the reports of "You're about to be redirected.", that I saw, were only being experienced by the bloggers reporting the problem, and only intermittently.
Today was the first time I ever saw this screen, and it only shows up sporadically. I can click on one of my own links and sometimes I will see this screen, and other times, it redirects automatically the way I have been used to it working. (For example, it happened a few times when I clicked the MAIN PAGE link in my sidebar and a few times when I clicked on links to individual posts, and then I would click the same exact path again and everything would be fine again.)

I tried by direct experiment, and by online HTTP trace, to reproduce the problem - to no avail.

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