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Mail-To-Blogger And The Unchangeable Email Address

One query, implying much perplexed curiosity, that we see occasionally in Blogger Help Forum, is about Mail-To-Blogger (aka "Mail2Blogger").
How do I change the Mail-to-Blogger email address prefix?

The email address prefix, which I call the "account" component of the MTB authentication process, appears to be setup when the blog is created, and is a function of the account name used at that time. Even as the blog is transferred from owner to owner, and the blog is renamed to a new URL, the "account" component appears to never change. My suspicion is that the only way to change this setting is to make a new blog.

Making a new blog, for the purpose of changing the MTB public email address, involves two complex processes.
  1. Setup a new blog, under a different Blogger account.
    1. Transfer control of the current blog, to the new Blogger account.
    2. Create a new blog, using a temporary URL.
    3. Copy the template from the current blog to the new blog.
    4. For a blog with a layouts template, recreate all gadgets in the new blog.
    5. Copy the comments and posts from the old blog to the new blog.
  2. Swap the URLs of the new blog, and the old blog.

But think about this, carefully. If the current blog has any Followers, or other newsfeed subscribers, this won't be so easily done. Be aware of the possible impact upon Following, and newsfeed subscriptions, when rebuilding a blog from the bottom up.

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