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Publish A Language Related Blog Cluster

As Blogger blogs become more popular outside the U.S.A., we see various blog owners who are multi-lingual - and who want to publish simultaneously, in multiple languages.

We see the question, occasionally in Blogger Help Forum: Learn More About Blogger.
How do I publish my blog in English, French, and Spanish - and keep a good relationship with my readers, the search engines, and the anti spam bots?
This is not difficult to do - just publish a well balanced and linked blog cluster, with the "hreflang" tag defining the related blogs, to the search engines.

Publishing a multi-language blog cluster is not difficult.
  1. Choose a blog name, that lets you publish, and lets your readers identify, the blogs.
  2. Publish each blog, in its own specific language.
  3. Combine and link the blogs, as a cluster.
  4. Identify the members of the cluster, to the search engines.

Choose a blog name, that lets you publish, and lets your readers identify, the blogs.

You'll want a blog name that indicates how each blog is part of a set of blogs, yet differs from the others. You'll need a name that's consistently available (you can't publish a URL that's already being used), and describes the relationship of each blog, to the others.

If I was tri-lingual, I could publish this blog in English, French, and Spanish. I could publish to BlogSpot.
and maybe, later, to a custom domain.

Publish each blog, in its own specific language.

Each blog, published in a non English language, needs the proper Language setting. This helps you publish each blog, using the post editor, more consistently - and it helps the search engines index the blogs properly.

AdSense will only supply ads for supported languages.

If you want AdSense to supply ads on your blogs, you will have to publish in languages supported by AdSense. "hreflang" won't change that. You will need a real, human audience, for all blogs.

Publish each blog - and translate the material - yourself.

Don't use Google Translator, to produce translated blogs. Neither the search engines, nor AdSense, will crawl a blog that uses JavaScript, to display content. You will have to do all of the work.

Combine and link the blogs, as a cluster.

There are a number of techniques that you can use, to make a blog cluster that is appealing - and functional - to your readers. Combining and linking each blog to the others, yet keeping each blog different from the others, can use a variety of Blogger features and options.

Identify the members of the cluster, to the search engines.

Besides the Language settings to identify indexing characteristics of each different blog, you'll want to use the "hreflang" tag, to indicate which blogs are related. The search engines will index the blogs as a set - and be able to distinguish between the blogs properly.

The end result will be pleasing to your readers - and to the search engines.

When you're done, you'll end up with a set of blogs that help your readers enjoy what you have to say - and help the search engines index each blog properly. And that will lead to more readers - and possibly another language to learn and publish.


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