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Google Domains Support, And "code CONFLICT"

As domains registered by Google Domains become more popular, we're seeing more problem reports, referencing broken domains, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue.

If I try to load my blog, I get the error
An error occurred (code CONFLICT). Please try again.
I bought my domain through Google Domains.

We're enjoying the personal support options provided by Google Domains - online chat, email, and voice chat.

It appears that Google Domains now provides a domain reset procedure, that may resolve the "code CONFLICT" error, on a domain by domain basis.

When contacted, and the "code CONFLICT" error is mentioned, Google Domains provides a reset script, that resembles the legendary Google Apps Domain Reset procedure.
  1. Clear Google Domains Synthetic records.
  2. Re publish the blog, to the domain.
  3. Re create the Domain DNS addresses.
From your Google Domains dashboard, click on "My domains" (if necessary). Looking at the menu entry for the broken domain, select the icon in the "DNS" column.

You'll start with the "Configure DNS" page. The "Synthetic records" and "Custom resource records" sections of "Configure DNS" will be used, in this task.

Clear Google Domains Synthetic records.

Using the "Synthetic records" wizard in the Google Domains dashboard, find and delete the "Blogger" entry.

Re publish the blog, to the domain.

Using the "Publishing" wizard in the Blogger dashboard, re publish the blog, to the domain.
  • If the blog is currently published to the domain, click on the "X" and publish back to BlogSpot.
  • Publish the blog to the "www" host of the domain, using the Publishing link "Setup a Google Domains URL for your blog".
  • Redirect the domain root to the "www" alias.

Re create the Domain DNS addresses.

As above, use the "Synthetic records" wizard in the Google Domains dashboard, and delete the "Blogger" entry. Then, use the "Custom resource records" wizard, and add the standard 4 x "A" + "CNAME" DNS address complement. The "CNAME", as recreated, should point to "", not to "".

The script ends with the valuable advice to wait while the DNS changes propagate.
please note that any DNS update can take up to 24 to 48 hours to propagate throughout the internet.
If you are patient and wait, you'll have a better chance of the domain propagating, without recreating the "code CONFLICT" aka "Another blog ..." condition.


Thanks! I was able to fix my new domain with your instructions.
Unknown said…
You are the man! Thanks for the help with my domain problem you can see it now works... Thank you
Extremely helpful. Thank you!
Unknown said…
Okay I am really trying here & maybe I'm just exhausted or frustrated or completely technologically challenged, but where is the freaking DNS page/button whatever??
Nitecruzr said…
Hey Babe,

The freaking DNS Page/button is on the Google Domains "My domains" menu page, in the entry for the domain.
Jacob Oakes said…
Thank you so much! This was very helpful.

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