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The Limits In Your Blogger Blog

One interesting question, seen occasionally in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I?, seems to focus not on what can be done - but on what can't.
What are the limits, that apply to my Blogger blog?
Some people are accustomed to dealing with resource limits, imposed on websites hosted by paid hosting services, which meter service based on bandwidth and storage space used by a blog or website.

Blogger / Google does not spend time monitoring our blogs, and what resources we use. Neither bandwidth or storage size are limited. However, there are some limits on the content, which may restrict growth of our blogs. If we're aware of these limits, we can work around them.

There are no real limits on resources, used by our blogs. There are limits on how we use our blogs, though.

Auto Pagination is a network resources limiting feature which dynamically decides how much of our blogs can be made visible to our readers, at one time. Use of the new, dynamic templates can avoid limits imposed by auto pagination.

Picasa, the Google photo hosting service, does have a limit on storage space. You can pay a small fee for additional storage space - or you can use any of various third party photo hosting services.

It's not technically possible to charge our readers for access or use of Blogger services - and Blogger / Google has, at least in the past, specifically forbidden us to charge for use of their services. We are explicitly forbidden against using a Blogger blog to make money, using adult content.
Do not use Blogger as a way to make money on adult content. For example, don't create blogs where a significant percentage of the content is ads or links to commercial porn sites.

Besides the real effects of auto pagination, and photo storage limits, there are a few well defined limits and requirements, which affect Blogger blog content and usage.

Blogger Help: What are the limits on my Blogger account? provides a more comprehensive list, and, more importantly, points out the limits that do not exist. Yet this article is not completely authoritative; there are a couple sections there that bear updating. For Google services that require storage, you can proactively monitor storage usage using the "Basic storage usage" wizard.

For additional and up to date advice, you may want to periodically reference Blogger Content Policy, and Google Terms of Service.


Unknown said…
nice post, it true for 2016....
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Light,

Thanks for asking the question - especially for compiled lists.

The details, as provided, are correct. I have suspicions that I left one recently discussed limit out, but it will take me a few days to verify.

If you have a specific question, which may involve a limit, you can ask here or in Blogger Help Forum: Learn More About Blogger, and I'll do the research.

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