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Edit Posts, Submitted Using Mail-To-Blogger, Before Publishing

Mail-To-Blogger is a very simple way of using your email client or mobile computer, to submit photos and text as posts in your Blogger blog. As simple as it is, it offers less options than some folks would wish. Some post content can't be immediately published, using email - but must be later added into the post, using Post Editor.

Email clients, and mobile computer messages, offer very few formatting options. Another limitation, reported by many, is the inability to add labels to a post, when submitted using Mail-to-Blogger.

If you like to use Mail-to-Blogger to submit content using email or a mobile computer, but you don't wish posts to be added to your blog without specific formatting or labels, just enable Mail-to-Blogger and select "Save emails as draft posts". This will let you submit all the pictures and text from your email client / mobile computer that you wish. When convenient, you simply use Post Editor, make the changes that you consider necessary, and publish.

Similar to "moderated posting" using Mail-to-Blogger, you can submit all the content that you wish, then edit the Draft submissions when convenient.

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