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Missing Followers Gadget Content - March 2011

This evening, we are seeing a small flood of reports about missing Followers, in various Followers gadgets. The reports posted so far, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, have been inconsistent and incomplete, and identifying a pattern isn't possible.

We have a rollup discussion, where we are collecting details about your personal observations.
  1. Are all Followers icons missing? Is the Followers count also missing? Is a blank space visible, where the icons should be seen?
  2. Are the icons missing when you are logged in to Following, with your icon visible at the top of the Followers gadget?
  3. Are the icons missing when you are not logged in to Following, with the "Follow" button visible, at the top of the Followers gadget?
  4. Are the icons missing on blog(s) which you own, or blogs which you do not own? Can you see the Followers, in my sidebar, to the right?
  5. Are Followers missing also, from your dashboard list for your blog(s)?
  6. Please identify blog(s) where you do not see Followers, by URL.
  7. Where are you located (city, province / state, country)?
  8. What Service Provider connects your computer to the Internet?
  9. In what browser (name, and version) do you observe the problem?
  10. In any browser (name) do you not observe the problem?
If you are observing this problem, a complete description of the problem which you can provide may help identify a pattern.

Blogger Support states that the problem has been fixed.
We believe we've fixed this problem. Please try viewing your blog again- simply reloading the page should do it! If you have any problems please don't hesitate to update the forum.

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CraveCute said…
Hi, I would follow you buy your follow button is Invisible to me. My followers went missing on 6/9/11 and now any blog (including my own) do not show followers. I added my info to the link you provided. Thank you!

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