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Content Displayed In Blogger Dashboard "Reading List" Is Incomplete

Recently, we started seeing various reports from Followers and subscribers of various blogs and websites, about content displayed in the Blogger "Reading List" newsfeed reader.
The "All blog updates" list in the Reading List is incomplete!
My Blogger Dashboard display only goes back a few hours!!

The complaints involve only the aggregated content of the blogs displayed individually, under the Blogs column in the Reading List, as "All blog updates". The individual blog content, as displayed separately, do not appear to be affected.

We have a rollup discussion, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, where the details of this issue are being discussed. This problem was originally reported on or before 2/25/2011, and the discussion itself was opened on that date. On 3/2/2011, Blogger acknowledged the problem, and implied that a resolution would be coming.
We're working through this right now and will report back as soon as we have more information to share. I believe this is related to a recent code change we made.

(Update 3/9): Blogger Support provides a terse update.
We've identified the source of this problem and will have a fix out shortly which will restore all of the Reading List content.

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Hi, I'm having a real problem in the dashbd under manage. I accidentally added myself as a follower of my own blog, and I cannot un follow. I have tried all the directions from the question search. I should be able to go in under blogs I'm following on dashbd, click manage, and see do not follow or something similar next to the blog. I have blogger in draft and it doesn't show that. Can you help?
Nitecruzr said…

There are several possibilities for your observed problem, and diagnosing the problem would be best done in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, where we can have a good dialogue.
Diana Studer said…
Any idea what happened to Blogger stats. Has been broken for a week. In the forum it says - there is another discussion. But that link is broken too. Lucky I have StatCounter as well!
Nadia Cannizzo said…
Thanks for the update. It is SO incredibly frustrating not being able to view all the new posts of the blogs I follow on my Reading List! So thanks and cannot wait for this to be fixed..
Betty Manousos said…
Thanks so much for the update.

Hope it'll be fixed and I'll be able to use my Reading List again as I used to before.

Thank you immensely for your effort to help us out.
I really do appreciate the update and all your help in putting together a discussion on this issue that has really caused me to rethink blogging all together...I hope it is resolved soon. THANK YOU again for keeping up with this and letting us know that the problem, while perhaps on the 'back burner' may not be forgotten about after all!

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