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Get To The Root Of The Problem - Blame DigiTurk And The Blog Owners Who Offended DigiTurk

Recently, we've seen a few demands, from Turkish nationals and various residents and visitors in Turkey, who appear to believe that Google intentionally compelled the Turkish ISPs to block access to Google hosted content.
Google needs to give us another set of IP addresses. The last set lasted for about 3 months, and has stopped working!
This overlooks the detail that Turkish officials specifically warned Google that they must not attempt to bypass the Turkish blockade, by using different IP addresses.

These demands that Google should use different IP addresses are also ignoring the actual reason for the use of multiple, dynamic IP addresses in the first place - the need for all Blogger and Google customers, worldwide, to access Blogger and Google services, consistently and reliably. Maximum availability of Blogger and Google services is possible only if all people needing access to Google servers be prepared to use whatever servers Google may make available, at any time.

Our access to Blogger and Google services does not entitle us to pick and choose, from whatever servers we wish to use, if our local access is restricted to a subset of the Google address space. Google provides us the redundant servers, and it's our responsibility to use the server that is provided to us, when we need to use their services.

The Turkish TV content network, DigiTurk, convinced the Turkish courts to issue an order forbidding various Turkish ISPs from providing access, to Google hosted content, to their customers. The validity of the demands from DigiTurk not withstanding, the Turkish ISPs have blocked access to Google hosted content, using techniques similar to the long known Great Firewall Of China.

If DigiTurk, the Turkish courts, and the Turkish ISPs cannot be convinced to clean up their act, Google has no choice in the matter. Google wants to provide consistent and reliable service to all citizens of the world - not special service to a few customers who are subject to locally restricted access. Google did not cause this problem - unless you consider the cause of the problem to include their providing us the ability to publish our blogs, without unduly invasive content restriction.

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Trincess said…
I know that it's by no means Google's fault. I know that complains should be made to our Turkish ISP, courts and DigiTurk. I've been suffering under this censorship for 4 whole months now, since was first blocked, and I know that it has nothing to do with Google. I just hoped that maybe Google could help us manually redirecting our blog again, like it did a few months ago, and I didn't have the faintest idea that Google was warned by Digiturk not to provide any more IPs.
Damn those people who violate the terms of service, but instead of getting those content removed from blogger, why block access to every single blog on the world? Why block every ip associated with blogger and prevent us from using the domain we have paid for?
I repeat, I don't blame Google for anything or I'm not asking for privileges, but you gotta understand us, too. Imagine this happening to you and you may understand our desperation.
Thanks for the post but please update the part that we "seem to believe that Google forced Turkish ISP to block access". We know exactly what's going on but that brings us nowhere closer to the solution.

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