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Blogger Magic - Recovering A Deleted Draft Post

Occasionally we see the anguish.
I was just about finished with a long post, and just before I Published my post, I managed to clear the content. And just after I cleared the content, Auto Save went and saved the empty post. All of my work, gone in a second. Now what?
And the "what", unfortunately, is "nothing".

If you compose a long post, and depend upon Auto Save and Draft copies - and you lose the Draft content, or delete the post - you're out of luck.

You can recover a deleted Published post, under specific conditions. You cannot recover a Draft or Imported post, under any conditions.

Sorry, there is no magic here. This is another reason why I do not use Auto Save.

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Ozark saidā€¦
Auto Save is a nuisance, and all you good advice is just a workaround. For my understanding, it cannot be that I have to run a shadow blog, publish a stub post, only to work in a non-Auto-Save environment.

Would it perhaps not be a brilliant idea if the Googles would add a "disable"-button for Auto-Save, so any blogger has the choice???
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Would it perhaps not be a brilliant idea if the Googles would add a "disable"-button for Auto-Save, so any blogger has the choice???

YES!! Tell Blogger in the AppsSpot Feature Discussion Forum!!!

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