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What's The URL Of My FeedBurner Feed?

Along with knowing the URL of your blog, and of your blog site feed, knowing the URL(s) of your FeedBurner feed(s) is a good idea.

If you don't want to write them down somewhere, or memorise them, know how to find the URL(s).

With FeedBurner, the action starts from the feed dashboard.
  • Login to FeedBurner.
  • Select the feed, by name.
  • This gives you the feed dashboard.
  • Now, select "Edit Feed Details".
  • This gives you the "Feed Details" wizard.
  • Look at "Feed Address:".

This FeedBurner feed, for
The Real Blogger Status, is /Nitecruzr-Blogging

Note the two fragments of the feed URL, as displayed.
  • Nitecruzr-Blogging
If you need your FeedBurner URL, be sure to copy both fragments, and concatenate them.
Note this is just one FeedBurner feed. One blog can have many FeedBurner feeds, so be sure to specify the right feed.

Now, you can set the post feed redirect, properly.


Alanna Kellogg said…
Is it possible to create different feeds for one Blogger blog? For example, I might want to create a feed for Vegetarian/Vegan recipes versus all other. I presume the feed would be based on a category.
Nitecruzr said…

My idea was to create a Label based FeedBurner feed. So far, I only see FeedBurner supporting .xml files, not dynamic searches (which is what you get from a Label search). So, label searches appear to be a future possibility.
♪♪♫♪MeL said…
thanks a lot you helped me out wuth the feed
Anonymous said…
Can i add feed like this
in google webmaster tools? is it valid and is it allowed?
Nitecruzr said…

Those look syntactically valid, though "max-results=500" looks a bit excessive.

Why not try 5 sitemaps?

Picxy said…
Thanks chuck :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the help:)
Saurabh Jha said…
Many thanks as I have just started blogging these posts are very much useful for the newbies ....!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You are the only one who has given me the easiest and quickest way to do this. So helpful!!! said…
Thanks for the helping me with the feed issues.
Ranveer Singh said…
Thanks you very much for this post. I am a newbe and was searching for how to get my feed burner URL, luckily from Google search I landed on this site and my problem solved. Now I think I will successfully apply it at my blog


Thanks a lot again.
Ranveer Singh

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