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Blog*Spot Connectivity In India

Various bloggers in India - the majority being customers of Reliance Telecomm - are reporting inability to access Blog*Spot, with no reported problems accessing Blogger or Google in general. The problem appears to be geographically uniform across all of India.

We have a Problem Rollup question in Blogger Help Forum, where the epidemiology of the problem is being explored.

Some bloggers appear to be able to regain access, by using different DNS servers from the ones supplied by their ISP. This is a possible workaround, though it may not be a good permanent solution for several reasons. Several bloggers have reported contact with Reliance Tech Support, though the depth of commitment by Reliance TS, to solving the problem, is unknown.

To help identify and verify the epidemiology of the problem, please state diagnostic details as clearly as possible.
  • Your location (City and State, please).
  • The name of your ISP.
  • Is your problem with accessing Blog*Spot, Blogger, Google, other domains?
  • When did you first see the problem?
  • When did you not last see the problem?
Though seemingly redundant, I assure you that your details will be appreciated.

(Update 2010/05/27): Though no authoritative update was seen from Blogger Support, feedback from bloggers affected makes it appear that the problem has been resolved.

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