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Redirecting Traffic Between BlogSpot URLs

Occasionally in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I?, we see the innocent question
How do I redirect traffic, automatically, from one BlogSpot blog to another?
I just changed my blog name - how do I get my readers from the old URL to the new one?
And this is one feature that Blogger will probably not ever provide.

If Blogger were to allow the automatic forwarding of traffic, from BlogSpot URL to BlogSpot URL, spammers could setup automated splog farms, with gateway and payload blogs, and move their splog content around, at will.

That said, there are ways that you can plan the change, and make it possible for your readers to find your blog, if you choose to rename the blog.

You can, for instance, redirect the blog feed from the old URL to the new URL. Or, you can combine your Blogger blog(s), maybe as a blog cluster.


Beben Koben said…
wow...congrat for brand new your template blog...
Hater #1 said…
What if I want to redirect the home page so it automatically goes to a label search page on the same blog?
Nitecruzr said…
I think the simplest solution here is for you to setup a second blog, and only publish content that you want on the main page, in that blog. All other content you can publish in the first blog.

Than make the two blogs part of a blog cluster.
I7V said…
i have blogger with custom domain name i wanna change it to an other custom domain name but i have many referrals to my existing domain if i changed it i will lose all of them what i can do?

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