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FeedBurner Feeds Not Being Updated

Recently in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, we've seen a few reports of blog feeds that aren't updating promptly.

With FeedBurner, is it a good idea to diagnose any problems experienced.

After a brief feed diagnostic procedure, we do an HTTP trace of the feed.
Sending request:

GET /feeds/posts/default HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
Connection: close

• Finding host IP address...
• Host IP address =
• Finding TCP protocol...
• Binding to local socket...
• Connecting to host...
• Sending request...
• Waiting for response...

Receiving Header:

OK, the feed is redirected to FeedBurner.

Given a problem involving FeedBurner, it is a good idea to use the FeedBurner "Troubleshootize" wizard.

All feed problems won't involve FeedBurner - and all FeedBurner problems won't affect only the blog subscription options - but a careful diagnostic procedure is still a good idea.


PussDaddy said…
I wonder why feedburner will not change my email adress even though I was able to change it on all of my google analytics and stuff?


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