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Adding A Gadget Above Or Below The Posts Gadget

Almost every blogger is used to adding gadgets of various types, using the "Page Elements" wizard, to the header, the sidebar, and / or the footer of their blog. If you can't do that, you just aren't enjoying Layout Templates, to their fullest.

Some folks haven't yet realised that you can also add a gadget just above, or just below, the posts.

This is not the same as adding a gadget to the bottom of the header (which is, admittedly, just above the posts); nor is it the same as adding a gadget to the top of the footer (again, just below the posts).

A gadget just above, or just below, the Blog Posts gadget stops next to the sidebar - as opposed to continuing above or below the sidebar, should you add a gadget to the header or the footer. It's just as easy to add a gadget to one place, as to the other, though.

Just drag and drop any gadget of your choice, to the right spot. See what this looks like, in my demonstration blog, Nitecruzr New Template Laboratory.

For a variation on this, you can setup such a gadget to appear only on the first page.


WNY Softball said…
Wow! Thanks, I didn't know this.
solcarina said…
Thank You for sharing...)
Rhipple said…
Thanx mehn that was really easy

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