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FTP Publishing and Yahoo Hosting - October 2009

Occasionally, a blogger reports a problem with FTP Publishing, and it turns out to be caused by changes made at the host server. Rarely, the host server staff admits to the problem promptly, and we can move on. Today, we got an answer back, and positive results, in the same day.
I called Yahoo again. I pestered them and found out that there WAS a change on their side of things. I was able to resolve the issue.
then later
The change they made was that they now require the entire email address as the user name ( whenever you're going FTP something. In Blogger, I made this change under: Settings - Publishing - FTP username.

If you have a blog published to a Yahoo server, using FTP, and your publishing has stopped working this week, maybe this is why you're here.

Check the settings for your blog, and contact the Yahoo support team. Verify the change, then update your settings.

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Susan Voisin saidā€¦
I started having a problem with FTP publishing a couple of days ago. However, I'm still able to upload things myself using FireFTP. Since I haven't had to change anything to get FireFTP to work, wouldn't that indicate that the problem is with Blogger and not my hosting server (another provider, not Yahoo)?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Do yourself a favour. This isn't easy for me to consider in detail, so I'll outline a little project.

Use FireFTP, and maybe another desktop FTP client a couple times, to transfer a file to your host server. Observe all of the details in the process - all of the different actions, decisions, and observations that you make when transferring a file. No detail is insignificant here.

Write down all of those actions, decisions, and observations, in a script, and give it to a coworker or family member. Ask them to repeat your script, while you watch.

Next, imagine changing the script, to make it work for another FTP client - try CuteFTP or FastFTP. Ditto, for a different host server. No, make that hundreds of host servers, all over the Internet. Some host servers may not even exist.

Are you starting to see a challenge here?

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