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Internet Explorer and "Operation Aborted" - June 2009 #2

The ongoing problem with Internet Explorer issuing "Operation Aborted" when loading various blogs continues to be reported. Some bloggers report having observed a difference between being logged in to Blogger, and not. The reports do not verify specifically whether administrative status over the blog in question is the problem, though.

I have setup a FeedDigest feed which aggregates comments from the following RBS posts:

If you have recently seen, or are seeing, this symptom - either in a blog which you control, or a blog which someone else controls - help us to help you, and provide your observations.
  • What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using?
  • What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using?
  • In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem?
  • Is that your blog(s), and if so, did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? By changing the comment form option? By removing any other gadgets?
  • Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem?
  • Do you see this problem:
    1. When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator?
    2. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author?
    3. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor?
    4. When not logged in to Blogger, at all?
    Please state all cases tried, as well as all cases where the problem was observed.

(Update 7/18): It appears most recently that this problem may not be completely resolved.

(Update 6/25): And taking us back to the time when this symptom was first seen, one blogger today stated that, in his case, his experience with "Operation Aborted" is eliminated when he removed an HTML gadget with SiteMeter script.

Here is the code, for the consolidated feed as displayed:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<noscript><a href="">Click for "Blogger and IE "Operation Aborted"".</a>
Powered by <a href="">RSS Feed Informer</a></noscript></script>

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LBF said…
•What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using? NOT SURE HOW TO FIND THIS...CAN SOMEONE ADVISE?

•What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using? IE, NOT SURE WHICH DIGIT

•In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem? THELUNCHBELLE.COM

•Is that your blog(s), and if so, did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? By changing the comment form option? By removing any other gadgets? YES, IT IS. HAVE NOT TRIED REMOVING THOSE ITEMS YET. SHOULD I?

•Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem? I REMOVED AN OUTSIDE BACKGROUND/LAYOUT. THAT DID NOT HELP.

•Do you see this problem:
1.When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator? YES

2.When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author? YES

3.When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor? YES


Please state all cases tried, as well as all cases where the problem was observed. FROM THE MOMENT I ARRIVE ON MY WEBSITE, SECONDS LATER, I GET AN "OPERATION ABORTED" ERROR MESSAGE.
This issue is very hit or miss for me. I removed my followers widget and don't seem to be getting it on my own blog. But I get it when I try and read others.
I am able to read some blogs one day and the same blogs not the next day!
It sure would be nice if they would get this is very annoying!
nzm said…
# What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using?

# What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using?

# In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem? OUR BLOG

# Is that your blog(s), and if so, did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? By changing the comment form option? By removing any other gadgets?

# Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem? YES - SEE BELOW

# Do you see this problem:
1. When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator? YES
2. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author? YES
3. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor? YES
4. When not logged in to Blogger, at all? YES

When I run the script in the IE debugger, it appears to be this line - error 800a03e8 - that's causing the issue: document.write(s);

This doesn't appear in my template code, so I'm assuming that it's something to do with the HTML widget?

Can someone from Blogger please check the coding in the widgets?

Looking forward to a fix!

Trust this helps!

Terry Odell said…
I got the 'aborted issue' with IE intermittently.

I rolled back to IE7 and it seems to be working better. However, the problem that is also driving me nuts is I have a 'keep reading' link that uses Java script, and it has given users intermittent problems as well. I don't want to lose the 'followers' because blog traffic is important to me (I use Firefox, but half my readers use IE).

I definitely hope there is a fix soon. I could eliminate the 'keep reading' but my blog posts are normally so long that the "keep reading" allows many more days' posts to show up.
Susana Falhas said…
We have the following problems since the 17th of June 2009:
- readers, blogers or not can't make comments on our blog. They try to do it several times and it still doesn't work.
- Our Blog is:
- some readers , blogers or not can't open our blog. It gives the staten message: "Internet Explorer an operation Aborted",
- as a reader, if I try to post comments, they also are very slow. Letters appear lots of time after i've typed it.

Is there a possibility of someone being making sabotage to Blogger?

It is not a paranoia! In April 2009 someone had made sabotage to the free counters that we had put in our blogs. One they they had started counting back to zero. Then I decided to remove it and to put it again but invisible.

Is there a possibility of someone trying to making sabotage to one blog, affects all the other blogs in Blogger?

Now I'm going to try to answer to Your questions:
What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using? - We use Internet Explorer 7. I don't know the numbers, I'm sorry.
What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using? - We use Windows Vista Home Premium. Sorry but I don't know the numbers.
In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem? - In our blog: (It has a google translater if You want to read it in Your language)
Is that your blog(s), and if so, - It is our own blog, yes,did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? - We need to have the Follower gadget on. So I haven't tried to remove it. By changing the comment form option? - No we haven't made any change. We are running a contest on our blog and so We can't change the comments options. By removing any other gadgets? - No We haven't changed any gadget
Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem?
Do you see this problem:
When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator? - No. In this case there are no problems.
When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author? I don't know.
When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor? Yes in this case the problems continue.
When not logged in to Blogger, at all? Yes. In this case We have problems.

Let me thank You all in advance: the fellows who have shared their problems here and the fellows who are trying to help us and others with these problems.

I hope someone fixs this asap.
Greetings to everyone,
Ian said…
Removing the hit counter in an HTML gadget fixed this for me. See :
Terry Odell said…
I've had a sitemeter thingie on my blog since I started, several years ago. I find it hard to believe it's the source of the problem.

IE 7 seems fine, but IE 8 is hit and miss.
Nitecruzr said…
Very Good, Terry.

You just pointed out why "the" problem is yet to be solved. There is no "the" problem.

"Operation Aborted" is a symptom of many problems. The first problem, discovered long ago, was with SiteMeter code. Then, there was Following /Friend Connect code, and later the inline comment entry form, was discovered by some bloggers to be the source of their symptoms. Now, SiteMeter is back as a possible culprit.

And every time that Blogger fixes one problem, they break something else. This "problem" may, in actuality, never be solved completely.
Terry Odell said…
Thanks -- pulling out hair now. It's SO frustrating to have someone email and say, "I love your blog, but now I can't read it."

Happened this morning. I could read it on IE 7; the other computer has 8, and it snagged, then came back, then snagged again.

I need the stat counter and the followers -- that blog is part of my writing promotion.
I am experiencing the same Operation Aborted window, and have been for over three weeks now.
I have been logged in to my blog when getting the message, or just as a guest.
It appears when I am visiting my blog peeps sites. Not all, just every one in ten or so it seems.
It is annoying to say the very least. I have to refresh the page, and then it takes me to the site and opens up.
Any further suggestions ? I did upgrade to IE 8 and I have a sneaky suspicion it's the browser.
Terry Odell said…
I agree, it seems to be IE8; I downgraded to 7 and have no problems, nor any when I use Firefox.

However, it's totally frustrating, and I wish someone, somewhere would acknowledge that this is a real problem.

I'm losing considerable traffic due to the problem.
Kashaya said…
Seems to be an explorer problem, don't know about the versions since I'm using firefox.

I'm using Slackware Linux, no problem here.

It is my blog, only tried to remove google analytics (which still seems to be running even though I removed to code and ended my account). Only thing that happend is that the layout freaked out for me.

I never see this problem on my computer, is my readers that are sending me e-mails complaing that they can no longer see my blog!

Trying to fix this my blog has gone totally messed up. And I'm really considering moving the blog elsewere. This isn't acceptable! And why doesn't a big company like Google have a support team that you can contact? That's really bad customer service!
I'm having the same issues so I've copied and pasted with my answers.

I noticed that the followers gadget, any twitter gadget, or anything too complicated, and/or a combination of these things crashes my blog and other blogs regardless of being signed in or not.

I love the social network on blogger and wish to stay. I would even be willing to pay a monthly fee for a good product!

I just finally removed my followers gadget, and now people can post comments again. Before it took two to three times to post a comment which made people get frustrated and leave.

Some blogs I can't even get into anymore, the just crash. I have to go to their cached version. And almost all others I have to try to submit my comments two or three times before it will take.

Anyway, here are my answers.

Laura Flowers

# What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using?

# What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using?

# In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem? My blog other blogs. I'll leave a second example.

# Is that your blog(s), and if so, did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? By changing the comment form option? By removing any other gadgets?

I had to remove my followers gadget to make comments work correctly, and my twitter gadget so my page stopped crashing for people. Two different gadgets caused two different problems!

# Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem? YES, I removed one at a time and let it test for several weeks.

# Do you see this problem:
1. When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator? YES
2. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author? YES
3. When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor? YES
4. When not logged in to Blogger, at all? YES
I just reinstalled the followers gadget and my comments are working correctly again!

Laura Flowers
diane b said…
My friends who try to read my blog or leave a comment have been experiencing this problem for about one month.
What browser version (the complete version number of format "n.n.nnnn.nn" may be significant here) are you using? I E7
What operating system (again, name and version, please) are you using?XP
In what blogs(s) have you observed the problem?
Is that your blog(s), and if so, did you see an improvement by removing the Follower / Friend Connect gadgets? By changing the comment form option? By removing any other gadgets?I removed Followers but it still happens
Have you made any separate effort to diagnose your problem?Help forums
Do you see this problem:
When logged in to Blogger as the blog administrator?No
When logged into Blogger, but as a blog author?No
When logged into Blogger, but as a blog visitor?Yes, when I hit the comments link.
When not logged in to Blogger, at all?No
OhCaptain said…
For me, my blogs are hit and miss but it doesn't appear to be any one widget but any one of them could fail at any time. The problem is entirely with IE8. There's a compatibility switch that once it's turned on, the site works most of the time in IE8. The only way I've consistently avoided the error was to remove all javascript that writes output back to the page.

It is unacceptable to me that IE8 is the only browser that can't handle Javascript correctly, but it's also impossible to expect my readers to just switch browsers. Currently, IE8 only contributes about 3% of my readers, but how many am I losing because it can not properly render a javascript. I suppose I could remove all widgets from the page, but then 97% of my readers are missing something they could have.

This is very frustrating. Follow my profile if you'd like to check out my blogs.

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