Recently, bloggers trying to moderate comments report problems when deleting comments.
This problem appears to have started late afternoon 5/19 PST. Details are needed, so please provide what you can.
(Update 5/20 17:30): Blogger has acknowledged the problem.
>> Top
After verifying that the comment should be deleted, I click the button "Delete Comment", then I get the error message.bX-gc7ujn
Additional information
blogID: 5680604485477472083
postID: 4898049469364933536
uri: /
This problem appears to have started late afternoon 5/19 PST. Details are needed, so please provide what you can.
- Which error are you seeing?
- When did you first observe this error?
- What is the time stamp on the comment?
- Are you moderating from email, and if so, what's the time stamp in the email?
- Where are you located (city and country please), and what time zone are you in?
(Update 5/20 17:30): Blogger has acknowledged the problem.
Some users are having trouble deleting comments which contain certain special characters and/or certain HTML tags. We're looking into this issue and will update this post once we have a fix.
>> Top
The time stamp on the comment is May 19th, 3:20 PM. I am not moderating from email. I'm located in Buffalo, NY - Eastern Standard Time.
> And here is all my error info:
> bX-gc7ujn
> Additional information
> blogID: 1978443757016687648
> postID: 5901270170620975023
> uri: /
- error code: bX-gc7ujn
- blogID: 4589542111739580630
- host:
- postID: 3830653910478039269
- uri: /
The comment timestamp is 2009/05/20 10:33 AM UTC+08:00.
I am not moderating from e-mail.
I am located in Taipei, Taiwan. UTC+08:00.
blogID: 24345012
postID: 2760526048021940987
uri: /
Is anyone can help me to delete the comment?
blogID: 8754357318798159800
postID: 6232954652587182010
uri: /
Is there a way to report a user? They are all from one user.
blogID: 151235641702592022
postID: 3839741557468169208
uri: /
Also, I have removed myself from the Next Blog, but I still get put on it apparently, which is how this one happened.
Additional information
blogID: 17856315
postID: 4699221252033705643
uri: /
Ι tried to delete a chinese indelicate advertising comment, that came today, but I cannot. It is different from some others chinese commercials about drugs and sex..
It is bolder and persistand..alway causing that error.
The whole message is like that:
Ο/Η 阿 είπε...
情趣用品,情趣,情趣商品,自拍,UT聊天室,聊天室,豆豆聊天室,哈啦聊天室,尋夢園聊天室,080聊天室,080苗栗人聊天室,H漫,A片,AV,AV女優,A漫,免費A片,愛情公寓,情色,情色貼圖,色情小說,情色小說,情色文學,色情,寄情築園小遊戲,色情遊戲,SEX,微風成人,嘟嘟成人網,成人,18成人,成人影城,成人圖片,成人貼圖,成人圖片區A片,視訊聊天室,情色,AV,視訊交友網,情色視訊,成人,色情,做愛,免費A片,A片下載,色情影片,成人影片,SEX,情色電影,成人電影,UT聊天室,聊天室,免費視訊,做愛影片徵信社,徵信,抓 姦,抓姦,外遇,尋人,徵信公司,徵信,徵信徵信社,徵信,徵信,外遇,尋人,徵信公司,徵信,抓姦
11:05 πμ, Μάϊος 25, 2009
blogID: 7257138833488418580
postID: 687420463634848999
uri: /