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Your Neighbour's Cough

Have you ever visited your personal physician, and instructed him
My neighbour has the same cough as I have. Her doctor prescribed xxxxxxxx medicine. I want a prescription for xxxxxxx.
Hopefully, not. Your doctor, if he has any professional capability, will know that a smoker's cough (in your 80 year old neighbour) won't be treated the same way as an influenza infection (in you).

Also hopefully, your doctor spends some time reading about what disease level is normal, in the population, at any time.

If you go to him with a complaint, he'll possibly know

This has been going around for a few weeks. Go home, drink plenty of fluids (no alcohol please), and get plenty of rest. Come back in 2 weeks, if you're not feeling better.

Likewise, bloggers need to be aware of what diseases currently affect Blogger blogs. And, they need to know when their blog has a problem - and to understand that maybe somebody else's blog showing a similar symptom won't mean that both blogs have the same problem.

It would not hurt anybody to understand about affinity testing - and about differential testing - and try a bit of each, when confronted by a Blogger problem.

All of this is why I continually post, in the forums

Please, start a new thread and describe your problems. Do not hijack someone else's thread.

Help us to help you. We will try - but our ability to help depends upon your willingness to help us to help you.


One Creative Queen saidā€¦
I never knew that is what "hijacking" a thread is. Thanks so much for the explanation - your site is incredibly helpful for those of us who aren't as...umm...technical savvy (brilliant?) as you are. I appreciate the work you put in to help everyone.

Fantomas saidā€¦
Thanks for the advise , I will wait a few hours and start a new thread

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