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Why Isn't Google Solving The Server Not Found Error 404 Problem?

This is a cry echoed by many, and for some time. Some, who ask this question, ask a similar question too, "Why Isn't Blogger Solving The "Another blog is already hosted at this address" Problem?" And there is but one answer, to both questions.
Google is solving "the problem". One problem, at a time.

But "the problem" will never be solved, as long as bloggers keep referring to it as "the problem". It simply isn't one problem - it's many problems, with the same symptom.

If there is one problem with Custom Domains, it is that Custom Domains was not designed with enough specific diagnostic error messages - merely displaying
Another blog is already hosted at this address
Server Not Found Error 404
is simply not enough detail to help bloggers see the many problems.

And every time that bloggers scream about the problem, they are helping ensure that the problem will never be solved. We have to solve each problem, one case at a time. Let Blogger Support decide which problem is the same as another problem.

Help us to help you.

When you experience your own personal version of the problem, help us to diagnose the problem.
  1. Start a new thread in BHG : Something Is Broken.
  2. Provide the BlogSpot and domain URLs, clearly and accurately.
  3. Describe objectively and accurately what you've done, while attempting to diagnose and / or solve your problem.
  4. Wait patiently.
  5. Maybe, read some of the previously written posts about known problems and / or about proper domain setups, while you wait. Educate yourself.


Become part of the problem solving process, not part of the problem.

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axscode said…
While I appreciate the forthright and candid explanation as to why The Problem is a symptom and not a problem in and of itself, and how, as users we frustrate or exacerbate the issue by not posting a discussion thread. I have the Server Not Found 'Symptom'.

I want to share with you a very simple, back to basics customer service perspective that is lost when you work in the guts of the 'The Problem."

I am a customer. Google offers a service, I purchased a domain in good faith following the process advocated by Google (wait for it, this phrase comes up again), followed the directions exactly, and then find myself without the service and searching forums for solution that hasn't been found yet, and I, along with the other consumers should bear some responsibility because we've not followed the process advocated by Google to address the problem.

Not so much warped syllogism as much as bad customer service. Discontinue the custom service create links for customers dealing with this issue specifically. Your customer base is using this feature precisely because they do not navigate DNS or FTP or any other acronym in the same way saavy users do, who will move on to another host if they want it bad enough.
Nitecruzr said…
I appreciate your honesty, but you haven't quite the grasp of the situation.

You paid for a domain. You didn't pay Google anything. You have a perfectly working domain, sold to you by either eNom or GoDaddy.

Now from the tone of your comment, I'm betting that you purchased your domain using the Blogger wizard "Buy A Domain". Not everybody does this, and not all problems are ones which Blogger can solve. Some problems are caused by bloggers, themselves.

I don't recognise your nickname, so I can't tell whether you have reported your problem in GBH: Something Is Broken. That's where we can triage your problem though. If you don't post there, you are simply part of the problem.

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