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Custom Domains And New Google Apps DNS Servers

We've been getting a lot of reports of some well known problems recently, from blogs published to Google Custom Domains.
Another blog is already hosted at this address.
Server Not Found

Error 404
No, Chuck, tell us something that we didn't know.

When I analyse a custom domain problem, I always start with a DNS analysis, expressed using an excerpted Dig log. Typically, I'll see
Symmetrical Main Domain 900 IN CNAME 900 IN CNAME

Asymmetrical Main Domain (aka "Google Apps" configuration) 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 900 IN CNAME

This weekend, though, we're seeing a variant on the latter configuration, reported as usual in anxious queries
For 3 days I received a message that the blog was redirecting. Then I got error 404 for a day and decided to switch to blogspot and back to my custom domain. Got an error that this domain is in use by another blog!!!!!!. 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN CNAME

The "216" series IP addresses are the New Google Apps Engine DNS servers. They were supposedly deployed in custom domains to solve the ongoing "Another Blog ..." and "Server Not Found ...." errors. Apparently, even they are not immune to the problem. They are probably just as subject to random factors, like Time To Live variances, as the former Google Apps servers.

It looks like the Custom Domain Reset Form isn't going to be retired any time soon.

(Update 12/12): It appears that, though not officially published, the new servers are being used, in service.

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Janet said…
I believe that this is precisely what is happening to my web page. Your blog is extremely informative and I am so happy to have found it, however, my problem is, I have no idea where to find my DNS settings let alone, change them...I purchased thru my google blog, I am lost when it comes to all of this sort of stuff. I can tailor a man's suit , but this .... this is a foreign language that I don't speak. Thanks , Janet
Unknown said…
:( still waiting for more news :( for my site :(

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