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Strange Behaviour By Post Editor #3

By the standards of many bloggers, I don't write a lot of posts. What I do is write, then re write the same post, repeatedly. Last month, I (and a few others like me) discovered a very odd and unfortunate behaviour in post editor - repeated loss of post updates, for posts updated repeatedly.

Yesterday, I worked a lot on my article about the Blogging Infrastructure. I even linked it, both ways, with my Beginning Blogging post, and I believe a bit more. And this evening, I had in mind still more updates.

But I got an unpleasant surprise, as I prepared to update the article.

I know I updated this post, and there should be more detail here! OK, maybe I made a mistake, so I guess I'll update it now.

Whoa! Here we see even less than above!

So, it looks like we are seeing a repeat of last months episode.

For this post, I'm going to try and finish to some degree. No repeated postings here.

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