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The Making Of Nitecruzr Dot Net

Many people set up a Google Custom Domain simply so they can have a single Blogger, published to a non-BlogSpot URL.

A custom domain can include more than just one blog, though. You can setup multiple blogs in one domain, limited only to your imagination, and the virtual hosts limitation of your domain registrar.

Here, for instance, is how I setup my custom domain, "Nitecruzr Dot Net".

You can do likewise with your blogs. The only limit here, IMHO, is your imagination.


Cath's Blog said…
Thanks for your help. Now both of my blogs working fine under a same domain name. :-)
Your blog is a special blog keep it up
Thank you for writing about this. I have been experimenting with 2 blogs one at wordpress and one at blogspot and comparing the Analytics. I found the instructions a little confusing (as with many google instructions) and didn't quite understand everything-in re to cname mapping. I appreciate that you provided the links as a guide to follow to help me understand the basics and the rules. I'll be attempting this transition to get everything under one Roof- for my blogs/domain. Build Green,Scotty

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