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The Choice Is Yours

If you decided that you wanted to publish your blog to a non-BlogSpot URL, and you opted for Custom Domain publishing, you're now left with 2 choices.
  • Setup from scratch, using "Advanced Settings".
    • Find a registrar, and register the domain of your choice. Be sure to choose the right registrar!
    • Figure out the registrar's DNS setup wizard, and the right settings, and setup your DNS.
    • Use the Blogger "Advanced Settings" wizard, and republish the blog to your new domain.
  • Setup the simple way, using "Buy A Domain For Your Blog".
    • Choose the domain.
    • Pay for the domain registration.
    • Make any additional settings to your new domain, at your convenience, using the standard eNom / GoDaddy DNS Management wizards.
    • Get to work making a user friendly domain for your readers. That's why you're doing this, right?

I suspect that the latter will be the choice for most bloggers, who are just getting the idea to publish outside Blog*Spot, and who don't already have a registered domain. I know that's how I would proceed, if and when I setup another custom domain, with a TLD of "com", "net", "info", "org", or "biz". Setup of my second custom domain was way simpler than my first one was.

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Melo said…
Just what I needed, thank you. I even added this as a suggestion for the Blogger people yesterday, for their new youtube channel, to make a vid on how to do this for peeps like me, who have a domain name and server already. I wonder, though, about the pros and cons of doing this. If you have an opinion (and time), pls. post here? I will get a reply via email. Thanks!
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Cris,

My personal suspicion is that Advanced Custom Domain settings will be too unique, and too rare, to be captured in one video, and any one video that would describe all of the possibilities wouldn't be watchable.

I have a series of posts on this subject, in the back of my head. I just have to force them into my fingers. I think this will be better documented in hypertext.

By server, do you mean DNS server? Your own, or a hosting service? Or a content server?
Melo said…
Ops, I meant hosting. I have domain and hosting already, with Godaddy.

I know about things being up in your head and having to make an effort to get it to the fingers. Let me know if you ever post about it. I subscribed to your blog in my reader and also to this post.
Nitecruzr said…

If you have content hosting with GoDaddy, and are comfortable with their web site builder wizard, you might just want to run the blog there. Or, you could build a shell, using an IFrame, sourced from the blog. Or, there are several other options that I can think of.

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