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Blogger In Draft - The Blog List

Taking the concept of the BlogRoll to the new level, we now have the BlogList. The Blog List, one of the shiny gadgets in Blogger In Draft, combines the BlogRoll with a blog feed to give an ever changing list of blogs with their most recently added posts (title and / or post snippet are selectable in the display).

Unfortunately, the Blog List doesn't work, consistently. You can see an example in my Nitecruzr Dot Net home page, in the sidebar section "Nitecruzr Dot Net". In my test, we see "PChuck's Network" with a recent post, but shows no hint of the recent posts in this blog "The Real Blogger Status".

We must remember that Blogger In Draft is a Beta testing platform, and we shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't always work. Blogger Support is aware of this recently discovered shortcoming.

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Anonymous said…
I came across the same problem of one, or two links 'indenting', too. What seems to fix it, is to fix it is to have your Google Reader Blogs in Folders, eg: Chuck's Blogs, or Great Blogs - not separately. Hope you follow me.
Suzanne said…
Yes it is very unreliable. Sometimes I can add links to it, sometime not.

I still get a ton of hits on my post about the BlogList error code I got: bx-9sravb, so the problem is still live.

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