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Show Title Field

Most bloggers, but not all, like to prefix their individual posts with a title. The title field is useful in separating, and identifying, each section (aka post) in a blog. For the bloggers who don't want a title to distract from the contents, there's an option.

If you don't want titles for your posts, or if you want to make the titles less obtrusive or use images instead of text, you can turn titles off. Go to Settings - Formatting, and set "Show Title field" to "No".

What a neat idea. So simple - and yet not so simple. Like many Blogger settings, this one has a double edge. If you, like many bloggers, use permanent links (set "Enable Post Pages?" to "Yes") so you can link directly to individual posts, and you set "Show Title field" to "No", what happens? The URL for each post uses the first few words in the first paragraph.

For this post, with titles disabled, you might have something like "". Editing the first paragraph after the post is published will be like changing the title after the post is published, you'll end up with a discordant URL.

So disable titles on your blog, if you like, but be aware of the possible consequences.

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