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Google Groups Are Hosed Right Now

And probably will be for the weekend.

You can post a new topic in any group, such as Blogger Help: Something Is Broken. You can't reply, reliably. Occasionally, your reply will post. Generally, you'll get " ... try again later".

Actually, you can post a reply. It's not a simple task, but you can reply to any post, if you're desperate. It's simpler than it looks, after you do it a few times, and precisely as written. Really.
  1. Open a text editor, like Notepad.
  2. Hit the Reply button for the post in question.
  3. Copy the complete text of the post reply window (Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C), and paste into the Notepad window (Ctrl-V).
  4. Hit the "Edit Subject" link.
  5. Copy the complete text of the Subject window (Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C), including the "Re:".
  6. Hit the Discard button.
  7. Hit the "post your question" in the menu bar at the right.
  8. Paste into the "Subject" box (Ctrl-V).
  9. Copy and paste from the Notepad window (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, then Ctrl-V), into the "Message":" box.
  10. Compose your reply.
  11. Hit "Post message".

It's a pain, but for urgent problems, this will work.

>> (Update 19:30): The problem appears to be fixed, another fix made in silence.

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