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The Real Blogger Status / WordPress Edition #1

The Real Blogger Status / WordPress Edition is now online.

All I did was run a script from the WordPress Dashboard - Import. It was predictable, and simple.

  • Indicate Blogger as my blog host.
  • Backup settings in blogs being imported.
  • Log out of Blogger, from the Dashboard.
  • Log in to Blogger, thru the Import script.
  • Select the blog to be imported, from my Blogger blog list.
  • Watch and pray.
  • This blog is not terribly large, just a few pictures (no, actually just 1), and maybe 50 posts. It took a good 5 minutes, with a nice console type display showing what was going on.
  • The Import script finished, and that was that.

Having finished, I now have a blog in WordPress. That being said, it's just a blog.

All in all, a brief and disappointing exercise. It's pretty - check it out. But there's lots more to be done, before The Real Blogger Status / WordPress Edition can be seen as a mirror to The Real Blogger Status / Blogger Edition.

See The Real Blogger Status / WordPress Edition #2 for the continuing experience.


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