The gadgets (previously known as widgets) are the template components that can be manipulated using the "dashboard Layout" wizard.
The post template is the most commonly used gadget (found in virtually every blog) - but it's not the only gadget.
Sometimes the code in one gadget may cause a problem with the other gadgets - even with the comments / posts, or the post template.
If resetting the post template doesn't solve the problem, we generally have "widget template corruption". The solution for widget template corruption is to reset the widget templates.
As an alternative solution, you may be able to reset settings in the template HTML code.
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The post template is the most commonly used gadget (found in virtually every blog) - but it's not the only gadget.
Sometimes the code in one gadget may cause a problem with the other gadgets - even with the comments / posts, or the post template.
If resetting the post template doesn't solve the problem, we generally have "widget template corruption". The solution for widget template corruption is to reset the widget templates.
- First and always, backup the template.
- Go to Template - "Edit HTML", and click on the button "Revert widget templates to default".
- If the problem is severe, select "Select all widgets", otherwise select just the specific widget that is a known problem.
- Hit "Revert selected widgets".
- Hit "Save template".
- Clear cache, and restart the browser.
- If any problems or unacceptable changes in the gadgets is observed, reload the template from the backup just taken.
- If the reset solves the problem, backup the template, again.
As an alternative solution, you may be able to reset settings in the template HTML code.
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You're seeing the effects of an intermittent Followers gadget outage, this week.
Be patient.