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Blogger Magic - Enabling Scripts, In Your Browser

Similar to the need to properly filter cookies in the browser, we have the need to properly filter scripts.

Cookies and scripts are completely different elements - but proper filtering of each is essential, to making many Blogger features operate properly.

If you have a problem with Blogger - either accessing / using the dashboard, or using / viewing a blog - one of the simplest things to check, complementing cookie filter settings, is the browser script filter settings.

The browser is the most important component, when setting up security - and scripts, like cookies, are a common challenge.

Script filters are adjusted differently, for each browser. Consider the multiple domains used by Blogger / Google - and layered security, on any computer, used by the owner and readers of any blog.

  • Chrome.
  • Firefox.
  • Edge / Internet Explorer.
  • Opera.
  • Safari.

Setting the script filters in Chrome.

With Chrome, you enable scripts, using Settings ("Customize and control Google Chrome") - aka the 3 dot toolbar icon.

In Settings, if necessary, click on "Advanced" at the very bottom of the page.

Under "Privacy and security", click on "Content settings", which gives you the "Content Settings" wizard. Select "JavaScript". Here, you have settings for JavaScript - including "Block" and "Allow". Select the recommendation, "Allowed". Close the Settings tab.

Select the recommendation, "Allowed".

Alternately, you may select "Do not allow any site to run JavaScript" - then use "Manage exceptions", and allow all blog(s) that you publish, and the many Blogger and Google domains, to run JavaScript. Make your exceptions complete, for best results.

Setting the script filters in Firefox.

Firefox does not contain any native script filters. The most popular add-on for Firefox is NoScript - and this is how most Firefox users filter scripts.

You'll need to designate "", "", and any Google domain excepting "", as trusted - when you load any display for the domain in question. An untrusted domain will show a "NoScript Untrusted" icon in the status area at the bottom of the window. To enable each domain, you position the cursor over the NoScript icon and select "Allow (domain URL)" in the popup menu.

Setting the script filters in Edge / Internet Explorer.

With Internet Explorer, you enable security settings - both cookies and scripts - from the browser menu, using Tools - Internet Options. Optionally, you may access the "Internet Options" applet directly from the Windows Control Panel.

  • IE uses a zone defense setting, where you designate "" and "", in Security, as being in the Trusted zone. Please note that "", in general should not be in the Trusted zone - .
  • You will want the published URL of your blog(s) - including any country local domain URLs, in the Trusted zone.
  • Default settings for the Trusted zone will allow proper filtering of scripts.
  • Verify proper settings, with "Trusted sites" selected, and the Security level slider control set to "Medium". Hit "Custom level", and examine the Settings list.
  • Look for the "Scripting" section, 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the list.
  • You will observe 6 options under "Scripting". Default settings will have all options Enabled, except "Allow Programmatic clipboard access"; you may wish to Enable this to allow easy use of Post Editor.
  • Hit "OK", and "Yes" if necessary, then "OK" again.

Setting the script filters in Opera.

With Opera, you enable cookies and scripts from the Advanced tab, in the Preferences wizard. The Content menu contains selections for scripting.

Setting the script filters in Safari.

With Safari, you enable scripts, using the Preferences wizard. The Privacy wizard, in Preferences, contains selections for scripts ("Cookies and website data”).

Script filters cause problems with Stats "Don't track ..." and other Blogger features.

Many problems, reported in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, with various Blogger features - and the Blogger dashboard - involve script filters.

Stats and the "Don't track ..." option used to involve third party cookies, for many years. In March 2016, the "Don't track" wizard was rewritten to run under the URL of the blog, when being set - and now requires enabling scripts from the blog URL.

Consider how your blog is published.

If your blog is published to "", consider the non "" alias that may be relevant to your country. If your blog is published to a custom domain, consider the custom domain URL.

Many computers have other relevant settings, which block scripts.

Many blog owners and readers will have computers, and networks, with additional protection. Scripts, in the browser, may not be the only filter that needs to be checked - but this is a start, to learning how to control the script filters.

Having checked and corrected your script filters, continue by checking browser cookie filters - then check cookie and script filters, outside the browser. Also check settings on any ad blocker add-on - which may be an app, or a browser extension.

Be aware that many settings may not be obvious - and that both obvious and obscure settings may be updated, without your intention or knowledge.

Many #Blogger problems are cause by overly restrictive script filters. If you, a blog owner or reader, are going to use Blogger successfully, you need to configure your browser properly - for both cookies and scripts.


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