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Would Be Followers Being Blocked By Blog Owners

This month, we have a few reports, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, about problems Following some blogs.
Why am I being blocked, from Following?
Some would be Followers are taking this personally. Please, don''t do that.

What you're seeing (maybe, when trying to Follow this blog, too) is not an owner initiated conspiracy.

The Blogger Followers gadget rewrite is taking shape.

If you're trying to use a non Google account to login to Following, you'll be seeing this, for some blogs.

If you want to Follow some blogs, you will need to use a Google account. The OpenID and similar non Google logins are not usable, with Following, any more.

We were warned, several months ago, about changes to Followers.

As we mentioned some weeks ago, starting this week, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. To follow a blog via Google Friend Connect now, readers will need a Google Account (the same they use for Gmail or YouTube).

It's happening, finally. One day, we'll have a new - and more stable - Followers gadget.

The #Blogger Followers gadget rewrite is continuing. This month, some would be Followers are seeing a notice, instead of the gadget, when they try to Follow some blogs, without Google accounts.

The Followers Gadget Rewrite Continues
Would Be Followers Being Blocked By The Blog Owner


Is there anything we bloggers should do, or are able to do? There are some people who do not have Google accounts, and do not wish to for personal reasons, I guess. Who wouldn't want a Google account? However, this does pose a dilemma. (Not for me, certainly, I don't have many followers.) But what about writers such as yourself, and others, like photographers, artists, entrepreneurs? Rhetorical question, Chuck.
Unknown said…
This is to me at least distressing as it does read as though you're a slug or some kind of low life that I am blocking you. lol It forces people who want to follow to do it google's way or no way. Google also soon will not continue updates on chrome that still have older versions of windows. Pinterest scrolls a black screen up unless you sign into pinterest or with another social media. Frankly they are all getting unfriendly including facebook. The internet use to be much more fun before the dictators took over.
Nitecruzr said…
Blogger is rewriting the Followers gadget, because it contains too much un maintainable code. They are removing code that is not used as much - including code which supports use of non Google accounts.

It is distressing, I'm sure, to lose Followers - or to be unable to Follow - because the code being removed prevents people from Following, using non Google accounts. However, the re write will make the gadget more stable - and this will help people Follow us more reliably, when they have Google accounts.

It simply is not possible to provide applications that support all versions of every browser. The people with older browsers have to update. All websites will not support old browsers.
Nitecruzr said…
Blogger is rewriting the Followers gadget, because it contains too much un maintainable code. They are removing code that is not used as much - including code which supports use of non Google accounts.

It is distressing, I'm sure, to lose Followers - or to be unable to Follow - because the code being removed prevents people from Following, using non Google accounts. However, the re write will make the gadget more stable - and this will help people Follow us more reliably, when they have Google accounts.

It simply is not possible to provide applications that support all versions of every browser. The people with older browsers have to update. Not all websites will support old browsers - even if Blogger / Google did.

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