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Post Editor Removes Unnecessary Words In URLs

One of the more interesting details about Blogger is the way Page / Post Editor generates URLs.

Long ago, I wrote my post Blogging - The Directory and URL Structure.

See the differences, between the title, and the URL? This difference bothers some blog owners, who want the Title and URL to match, word for word.

Just recently, I published a pair of brief static pages - A Test Of A Test, and The Test Of The Test. Note the URLs, please. Now, examine the pages.

See the difference between the page title, and URL?

Both the words "A" and "The", in page and post titles, are dropped from URLs - as interior words. Neither the leading "a " or "the " gets removed, however.

"a "and "the " remain, in any page or post URL. " a " and " the " are dropped, when rendering a title as a URL.

This is yet one more detail, that makes it a challenge to map Blogger URLs to various other website publishing platforms - when planning a blog migration, for instance.

If you re publish a post and end up with a URL change, use a custom redirect, to point the old URL to the new URL.


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