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Blog Owners Unable To Login To Blogger

Besides the previously reported problem of blog owners unable to login to Blogger using the "" redirection, we're seeing a flood of reports, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, from people who can't login using the "Sign In" link in the navbar - or who can't login to moderate comments, to post comments, or to Follow a blog.
I cannot log in to Blogger, at all. After I try to log in, the screen just tells me to log in again.
I clicked Sign In, filled out my account name and password, hit enter, and it just asked me again for my account name and password.

Some folks try using a different browser. Depending upon their specific basic problems, a different browser may work - for a while.

In some cases, you can avoid having to change browsers, until Blogger finds and fixes the basic problem with the navbar link. This is, visually, a simple procedure - but the basic details are essential.
  • Remove authentication artifacts from previous Blogger sessions, by clearing cache, cookies, and authenticated sessions. Don't just clear cache - and don't just change your bookmarks. If you are using Internet Explorer, do not check the "Preserve Favorites website data" option in "Delete Browsing History".
  • Login directly to Blogger, using "". Do not select the "Remember Me" option.

People who are trying to post comments, on blogs that require Blogger authentication using third party cookies, may require a different workaround - this is not known to resolve everybody's problems. For anybody with this problem, I'd strongly suggest carefully checking your browser and computer for cookie and script filters that need adjustment.

Use of the "" login - and not using "Remember Me" - should suffice for a number of blog owners, who can then get back to work on their blogs. This will cut down on the forum noise somewhat, so Blogger Support can concentrate on solving the basic problems.

Note: If the thought of clearing all cookies makes you uneasy, because of the possible consequences to other website access, you may be able to get by with selective cookie clearing. Try clearing cookies for "", if you're able.

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Kay Dennison said…
Thanks for the clarification!

I posted a link to yesterday's post on this because many of my readers were having problems (as well as checking my own blog) and several said it didn't work. I'll post a link to this asap.

Also I really appreciate what you do here.
I don't about this working for others but what I have been doing is putting the address of my blog into my browser as if I was a visitor, and then once on the blog page clicking "sign in" at the top right of the page. Once I have done this, for some reason or other takes me to my dashboard.

Again, this might not work for others but has been working for me.
PussDaddy said…
finally fixed mine. I have IE7 and when you clear cookies there is a box to check that says
"Preserve favorite web site data keep cookies and temporary internet files that enable your favorite web sites to retain preferences and display faster" and evidently I had this box checked while clearing cache and cookies so I unchecked it and unchecked the stay signed in thing on blogger and then cleared my cache and now I can sign in and out of my blog and comment on blogs.

Nitecruzr said…

Thanks for that detail. That is indeed useful.
Thank you for this information.
PussDaddy said…
I actually have IE*. Forgot I had upgraded it. But that what I put before is how I fixed mine.

Katney said…
Chuck, unchecking the Remember Me box on the login for the comments is making it work for a lot of us.
Nitecruzr said…

Thanks for the feedback.

I'd prefer reading "... is making it work for everybody" - but I'll settle happily for "... a lot of us".
Thank you so much!!! clearing the remember me worked for me:)

Been soooooo frustrating for over a week now.

Thank god I found the forum and then you else I would still be going doolally!!
michelle x
That it! I'm so frustated for few weeks.. unclick on the 'remember me' box its working for me.. Thank you!!
June said…
Thanks for addressing this issue here. It would be great if Blogger added it to their Known Issue blog so that we at least felt they were looking into a way to resolve the 'remember me' problem. This might prevent so many threads about it on the forums.
Their earlier 'known issue'of 24th May mentioning problems for comments and Log-in, is signed off as Fixed!
Nitecruzr said…

It would be good if Blogger were to address this as a Known Issue - however, Known Issues is generally used for issues which Blogger intends to correct.

This is a "client side" problem. The owners of the computers are the cause of this problem. The owners of the individual computers need to correct their problems.
trying this out
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info going to see if it works now.
Meg said…
Thanks for the help!
Vickie said…
test comment to seeif it works
Rachel said…
test comment
Anonymous said…
test comment! also i can log in but it wont let me view my home page... been like that sinse i clicked the link to try the new blogger.
Sweet Freedom said…
cannot log in @ - I get an immediate redirect to google sign-in.
Unknown said…
I am still having a problem, I can't comment on others blog, I didn't try on mine. It shows err, and it said singout and sign is frustrating. it tells me the open id has err.please help
I am testing to see if I can leave a comment. I have been unable to on other blogs. If it works here how do I get it to work on other blogs? Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Teresa
Testing the sign in without remembering checked to see if it helps...
scraptist said…
I cannot get this error fixed.

Your current account ( does not have access to view this page
Whitney.CI said…
test comment

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