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The New Post Editor With Static Pages

For many months, bloggers have been asking for the ability to add static pages - pages that do not contain dated posts, and that do not show up in the archive index, or in the main page display - to their blog. Before this year, only the latter possibility existed - posts that would not show up on the main page could be created by publishing posts back dated to appear before the earliest post on the main page. This created "static" pages that still appeared in the archives index - a messy workaround.

In January 2010, as a belated Christmas present, true static pages were added to the new post editor. In June 2010, the new post editor was moved into Production Blogger.

It's not difficult to make a static page. In the Classic Blogger GUI, dynamic pages (aka "posts") are accessible in the post editor under two tabs - "New Post" and "Edit Posts". Static pages are accessible under one tab - "Edit Pages". On "Edit Pages", you start with the "New Page" button. This simply takes you to a replica of the (new) post editor page, but a replica lacking fields for Labels, or Post Date. You then create, and publish, a page. Your new static page looks just like a post, except it lacks dates and labels, and it has a slightly different URL form.

With the New Blogger GUI (2011), Posts and Pages are separate menu items, along with Settings and other selections. When you're in the Pages editor, select "New page". From the pulldown list, select "Blank page" to create a new page. You can alternately select "Web address", if you wish to create a Pages entry that redirects the reader to any existing URL within or outside the blog.

Since static pages have neither dates nor labels, they won't show up in an archives or labels index. Pages have their own index - the Pages index. After you publish one static page, you have 3 choices how to index your static pages.
  1. In a sidebar linklist, provided by Blogger.
  2. In a horizontal tab index / vertical linklist not in the sidebar, provided by Blogger.
  3. In an index of your own design.
You get to make this choice after you create the first static page - but as indicated below, you can change you mind any time you wish.

Having created and published your first static page, and selected an indexing option, you may create additional static pages, view and edit existing static pages, or create and edit posts. Once the first static page has been published, and the indexing option selected, you edit the static page index as a normal page element, depending upon what indexing option you have selected.

If you wish to change your post page indexing between the first two options, you can drag and drop to reposition the gadget, using Page Elements. Here, you have 5 positioning options, which give you 2 different formats depending upon positioning.
  • Below the header, as a horizontal linklist, spanning the entire width of the header.
  • Above the pages / posts container, as a vertical linklist, spanning the width of the pages / posts container.
  • In the sidebar, as a vertical linklist.
  • Below the pages / posts container, as a vertical linklist, spanning the width of the pages / posts container.
  • In the footer, as a horizontal linklist, spanning the entire width of the footer.
You can drag and drop the pages index, and it will position and resize itself - try it and see.

If you decided to make your own Pages index (#3, above), you can go to "Page Elements", and "Add a Gadget", and select "Pages" for a Pages index, with the above choices. If you selected #1 or #2 above, you can use "Page Elements" and delete the Pages index, and create your own.

Once you have published a set of static pages, you can go to the "List of Pages". For each page, you'll find a "View" link and a page title. From each "View" link, you can extract the URL of the page. If you selected the custom index option, you'll need the page titles and URLs to use them in your own custom index, that you create separately.

This isn't a complicated option. If you are able to use the new post editor, try it and see what you think.

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Kiwi-d said…
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you, but as I read it, you are saying the new static pages don't have a commenting option? I didn't notice it at first, but they do, it's down on Post Options.
Vishwas Krishna said…
This is good news, but it would have been better if there was an option to create customised html links, instead of the now generated automatic links for static pages.
#1Nana said…
Okay, I read the commenting it okay if I just want to tell you how much I appreciate this blog? As a new blogger, I had a lot to learn. Everyday I learn something new. Thanks for providing the technical information in an easy to understand format.
Nitecruzr said…
Interesting, Vishwas,

I was sort of thinking that when I wrote this. Most of my blogs have a linklist in the sidebar, like the one in this one - top right, linking to other blogs in my domain. I would prefer to be able to integrate my current linklist with the new one, easier.

Oh well, that's probably a future option, maybe coming later.
Nitecruzr said…
Thanks, Kiwi. As you see, I didn't notice it either. A point for you, FWIW.
Anonymous said…
Bless your heart. I am new to blogging and you have made my blog look so cool thank-you!
Gretchen Thomas said…
Thank you! This was very helpful!
Unknown said…
Meaning we still have know chances of creating post under pages we do add....why add pages then...but thanx tho,very informative article
Thank you for the information on creating "static pages". My question is what is the meaning of limiting the "number of posts per page"? How can you separate blog 5 from blog 6 on a 5 blogs per page format, if for example you run 5 related content blogs then change content on blog 6?
Nitecruzr said…
what is the meaning of limiting the "number of posts per page"?

This really needs to be discussed in BHF: How Do I?. If you wish, start a discussion, then post the discussion URL back here, so I can get started with you.
Angela Guerra said…
Do you know how can I add more than 10 "static pages"?
Nitecruzr said…
Do you know how can I add more than 10 "static pages"?

You can't add more than 10 actual static pages, this is a Blogger limitation. Why not start a new discussion in BHF: How Do I?, so we can diagnose what you actually need, and suggest some alternatives?
personal chef said…
I'm trying to create a page for my resume but for some reason it's not uploading? I tried to upload it as a pdf-does anyone know why it's not working? The resume was created on a mac in microsoft word...
Liliana said…
Thanks a lot, I added new pages and it looks BEAUTIFUL, much better than I even imagined, so I decided to use Blogspot instead of Wordpress for my first blog. I am amazed and greatful, never knew I would be able to create something like this on MY OWN (with your help).

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