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Blogger Blogs Redirecting To ""

This week, we are seeing a few reports from anxious bloggers that their blogs are redirecting to mysterious URLs containing the domain "". This is somewhat reminiscent of the " /" hijacks of January 2010.
I can log in to my blog, but then in a few seconds the page goes blank, and in the URL it the bottom it says redirecting and flashing back and forth...

Immediate reports suggest a "falling snow" decoration, apparently acquired before Christmas 2009, as one known culprit. Other reports mention a possible variant, "falling hearts" (Valentines Day?).

In one case, the "" / "" redirect is being found on a blog that has a "falling snow" gadget.

I wouldn't bet that this is the only cause of this hijack, but it looks to be one place where you can look, should your blog show this problem.

So far, the problem code has been easily corrected, with a simple removal of the HTML / JavaScript gadget containing the offending code.

After removing the offending code, don't forget to clear cache, before testing your change!

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blog said…
Unknown said…
My blog is affected, too. I don't have the snowfall thing but a few other gadgets. Do I have to remove all of them?
Nitecruzr said…

It's your blog. I'd start by removing any HTML / JavaScript installed recently.
AiresOFwar said…
Oh wow that is kind of funny. So what is it from those people that download 3 party blogs and they have these widgets already on them?

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