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Some Bloggers Seeing "Blogger Unavailable" When Maintaining Specific Blogs

Some bloggers are reporting lately that when they try to access, post to, or maintain their blogs, they see
Blogger Unavailable
The message appears to be specific to individual blogs, and to be independent of browser, computer, and network being used. One blogger reported this problem with his blog, "", and specifically not with his other blogs.
I can't see or post to my blog:

I can see and post to my other blogs.

I've cleared my cache, tried to log on from other other computers, run all the security programs again.

The problem is, apparently, in the blog. I got this picture after weeks of waiting. This one comes from trying to publish a comment to "". Other blogs get this when editing a post, or changing the template. See various comments below.

Obviously, the problem is with the individual blogs, as I am getting comments here from folks who see the problem, in their blogs.

An HTTP trace shows an interesting symptom, here.
Sending request:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10
Connection: close

• Finding host IP address...
• Host IP address =
• Finding TCP protocol...
• Binding to local socket...
• Connecting to host...
• Sending request...
• Waiting for response...
Receiving Header:

If this message is affecting your access to any of your blogs, help us out here, so we can gauge the scope of the problem.

  • Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?
  • Please identify the blog(s) affected.
  • If you have any other blogs, not affected, please identify them.
  • Do you see exactly what's pictured above?
  • When did you first observe this problem?
  • How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?
  • Did you make any identifiable change to the affected blog(s) just before you saw this problem?


Janet Reid said…
Q: Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?

A: I have multiple blogs and only one is affected.

Q: When did you first observe this problem?
A: About five days ago now.

Q: How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?
A: More than three years

Q:Did you make any identifiable change to the affected blog(s) just before you saw this problem?
A: no

Note: Several people have told me that having many followers is a problem. I have 980 or so, if that's an indicator.

My blog:
Anonymous said…
Multiple blogs, only one is affected:

Started about 5 days ago

Blog's been up about 18 months

No changes. Worked one day, didn't work the next day.
NormaJ said…
This became a problem about five days ago. I have only one blog.
I have had my blog about 14 months.
The only change I made five days ago, was to try and add a Followers group to my blog. Since then I have had the not available
note for any further updates to my
the Muse said…
Only have one blog and it's affected with the problem. It started happen about an hour ago. My blog is online for two years now. No changes have been made.
Sharla said…
I have multiple blogs only the most active one is affected.

First observed about four hours ago.

Blog has been in existence 14 months.

No identifiable changes made today.

Blog url
Sharla said…
Blog just miraculously came back alive when I checked again after commenting.
Buckles said…
* Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?
NO - Single Blog

* Please identify the blog(s) affected.

* If you have any other blogs, not affected, please identify them.

* When did you first observe this problem?
Friday 6:00pm June 19, 2009 EST

* How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?
June 2005 - 13,937 Posts

* Did you make any identifiable change to the affected blog(s) just before you saw this problem?

I was trying to make a change to the HTML, I was able to save the TEMPLATE which is always my 1st step. I added my code and when I hit SAVE, I got the BLOGGER NOT AVAILABLE.

I also have Comment Moderation turned on, I do via email and not the Dashboard. I tried it VIA the Dashboard, same error. I was even unable to POST a message to the Blog, even via anonymous.

This is a problem.
qtyop said…
* Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?

Yes. Just one.

* Please identify the blog(s) affected.

* If you have any other blogs, not affected, please identify them.


* When did you first observe this problem?

The day before yesterday (Jun 18) an scheduled entry was not properly realease. Yesterday, Jun 19, 2200UTC, it was impossible to edit, publish entries or posts.

* How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?

Don't know

* Did you make any identifiable change to the affected blog(s) just before you saw this problem?

Apparently, no.

For the record: the blog has 'many' entries (900) but almost no followers. The blog is still in the old template style.
Ann Althouse said…
Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?

Only this one of several blogs is affected. Unaffected are: and

Do you see exactly what's pictured above? Yes

When did you first observe this problem? June 22, 2009

How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?

The blog has been around since January 14, 2009 and has over 16,000 posts on it, with around 20,000 visitors a day. I have posted every single day since I started and hate to think this is going to end my long streak. It's very upsetting.
Ann Althouse said…
My blog is also still in the old template style.
Ann Althouse said…
My problem corrected itself, seemingly spontaneously, after about 24 hours of downtime.
hey there...

i have been encountering problems to post comment in other blogs aswell as my own blog :(
this problem occured since last 2-3days...

appreciate if you can check it out...

1. Do you have multiple blogs, and if so are all blogs, or just some, affected?
I only have ONE blog.

2. Please identify the blog(s) affected.

3. If you have any other blogs, not affected, please identify them.

4. When did you first observe this problem?
Monday 20th July

5. How long had your affected blog(s) been in existence before you saw this problem?
Saturday, September 8, 2007

6. Did you make any identifiable change to the affected blog(s) just before you saw this problem?
Not that I remember.

Appreciate your help in rectifying this problem.
Thank you in advance.

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