A couple months ago, I noted that blogs published by FTP were showing, in some cases, a new (and not popular) accessory - the redirect warning.
This month, we have numerous reports of blogs published using both custom domains and FTP are showing this warning, when you load them using the blogspot URL.

This is reasonable for FTP Publishing, not so for custom domain publishing.
Blogger needs to be more selective when showing this warning.
(Update 2009/04/04): This may not always be a bogus warning. Looking deeper, this may be a righteous display, in some cases.
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You're about to be redirected
The blog that used to be here is now at http://xxxxxxxx.com/.
Do you wish to be redirected?
This month, we have numerous reports of blogs published using both custom domains and FTP are showing this warning, when you load them using the blogspot URL.
This is reasonable for FTP Publishing, not so for custom domain publishing.
Blogger needs to be more selective when showing this warning.
- You expect to see this for blogs published by FTP. FTP Publishing is to an external server that could easily contain malicious content placed there directly, without being published through Blogger.
- You do not expect to see this, nor do you want to see this, for blogs published to custom domains. Content published to custom domains is hosted on Google servers, published through Blogger, and only from Blogger blogs.
(Update 2009/04/04): This may not always be a bogus warning. Looking deeper, this may be a righteous display, in some cases.
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Seriously, I'm compiling a list. I will need you to post in GBH: Something Is Broken, with BlogSpot and domain URLs, so I can point to your post there.
And as of no, from reading your comments, there isn't a fix?!
To understand the problem here, you have to understand the difference between custom domain and FTP publishing.
Both custom domain and FTP publishing let you publish to a non BlogSpot URL. With custom domain publishing, the non BlogSpot URL is hosted on a Google server, and is subject to scanning for undesirable content.
Custom domain published blogs, then should not be subject to the "Redirected URL" warning that says "This blog is not hosted by Blogger", because it is hosted by Blogger, just not BlogSpot.
FTP published blogs, however, are published to non Google servers, where you the blog owner could push any undesirable content at any time, and Google would never know. Blogs published to external servers, then, need the warning.
The fix would be to have the program that generates the "Redirected URL" interstitial be sensitive to blogs that are published to non-BlogSpot Google servers (custom domains), and to not label such blogs.
Is your blog published to a custom domain, and showing the interstitial warning? If so, what's the URL?