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Strange Behaviour By Post Editor #2

Mindful of the volume of complaints seen in the forums today, I'll see if this post can be published.

Having tested in my previous post, it appears that posts can be updated. Now, we'll verify that new posts can be created. (1) Looking good, so far. (2) Test 1 was successful. (3) Test 2 was successful, and the updates show in the published post. And this post is visible in Edit Posts. (4) And test 3 was successful. (5) And so on. Back to work, now.

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Dana responded on one of the publising issue threads asking for browser OS and other information.

I tested XP/IE 6, Vista/FF and Vista/IE 7 and only the first combination worked properly. The latter two combos posted, displayed properly even the edits displayed on the blog but the edit boxes are missing the updated text.

So for me, the problems seem to be Visa - FF/IE 7 and the edit box retaining changes.
Nitecruzr said…
In my case I used but one computer, with one browser. XP SP3 with FFv2. Last night the edit box did NOT retain changes, this morning the edit box DID retain changes.

Obviously, Blogger is doing something that they aren't talking about. We just need to encourage them to do it faster.

Did you try clearing both cache and cookies, and restarting the browser, before each test?

On my main blog, if I use Vista and FF or IE 7, I can post, it shows on blog, I go to edit post and make changes, changes show up on blog, go back to edit post, changes disappear and if I republish it without changes, the changes will then disappear on the blog. If I redo them, they reappear.

The blog seems to be more accurate than the edit box.

What's interesting is I have another blog that I tested on Vista/FF and it's working just fine.

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