Recently, many bloggers, when loading the blog of their choice under some older versions of Internet Explorer, have been faced with a rather monolithic error
This error has been seen before - just last month, SiteMeter updated their script, and many blogs with SiteMeter code became unreadable. Right now, though, the culprit doesn't seem to be SiteMeter, though we can't tell for sure at the moment. Nitecruzr Dot Net does use SiteMeter, and it's apparently not affected by this problem.

This won't make your readers very happy.
As of March 2009, we are seeing some bloggers state that removing the recently updated Followers or Friend Connect gadgets resolved their issue. Of course, with Following / Friend Connect becoming an immensely popular accessory, this isn't a good long term strategy, but it may provide a way for you to at least diagnose your problem. Alternatively, you can try structured diagnostic procedures, and remove any recent updates.
You can find a few discussions about this problem, by Googling "Internet Explorer SiteMeter Operation Aborted". Here are some examples.
Right now, all that I can recommend is that, if your blog is affected by this symptom, try and figure out what changes you made most recently, such as adding any HTML / JavaScript code, maybe in a gadget.
(Update 5/21 11:45): Blogger is working on this problem.
(Update 5/21 9:00): This problem appears to affect this blog, for some readers. You may need to use a proxy server, in that case.
(Update 5/20 17:30): Blogger has acknowledged this problem.
This problem comes and goes periodically, with differing basic causes.
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Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://<Web site>.com.
Operation aborted
This error has been seen before - just last month, SiteMeter updated their script, and many blogs with SiteMeter code became unreadable. Right now, though, the culprit doesn't seem to be SiteMeter, though we can't tell for sure at the moment. Nitecruzr Dot Net does use SiteMeter, and it's apparently not affected by this problem.
This won't make your readers very happy.
As of March 2009, we are seeing some bloggers state that removing the recently updated Followers or Friend Connect gadgets resolved their issue. Of course, with Following / Friend Connect becoming an immensely popular accessory, this isn't a good long term strategy, but it may provide a way for you to at least diagnose your problem. Alternatively, you can try structured diagnostic procedures, and remove any recent updates.
You can find a few discussions about this problem, by Googling "Internet Explorer SiteMeter Operation Aborted". Here are some examples.
- Cam Riley: Sitemeter and IE's Operation Aborted, for an overview.
- Microsoft: (KB927917): BUG: Error message when you visit a Web page or interact with a Web application in Internet Explorer: "Operation aborted", for a Microsoft style technical description.
- The Reference Frame: Fix: IE7 with Sitemeter: Operation aborted, for a detailed overview.
Right now, all that I can recommend is that, if your blog is affected by this symptom, try and figure out what changes you made most recently, such as adding any HTML / JavaScript code, maybe in a gadget.
- Reverse each change, one at a time, until the problem is resolved.
- Or, restore the template, from a backed up copy, or from an original.
- If none of these suggestions helps, isolate the problem, diagnostically.
- When you make changes, test more frequently, and test against multiple browsers.
(Update 5/21 11:45): Blogger is working on this problem.
We're looking into this and will update this message when we have a fix.
(Update 5/21 9:00): This problem appears to affect this blog, for some readers. You may need to use a proxy server, in that case.
(Update 5/20 17:30): Blogger has acknowledged this problem.
We're looking into this; thanks for the report! We'll update the thread when we have a fix.
This problem comes and goes periodically, with differing basic causes.
>> Top
Why doesnt blogger have a cust service area to tell you these things!!
I do sooooo appreciate your help,
rc aat
Christian Women's Digest
I agree, removing these things is not a good long-term strategy!
Apparently, I am experiencing the same problem (Intermittent Operation
aborted dialog message, with the blank page, the javascript error
message is the same which says parent object cannot be modified)in my
blog too, which surprisingly was working till the
day the Followers gadget was updated it to its new format, some couple
of weeks back.
I tried removing the followers gadget, but the problem still seems to
happening intermittently with Operation Aborted in all IE versions
(even 7 or 8). Out of 10 attempts 7 or 8 times the page loads up
without any issue, but fails atleast twice with the Operation Aborted
As noted elsewhere, this is not happening in Firefox. Could someone
help me locate what is causing the issue at my blog, from the Blogger
team. I will really appreciate your time if you could.
Looking forward for a favourable reply. By the way, I have put the
Followers gadget on the site back-up, since the issue was happening
intermittently even without the gadget.
Help, please ?????? nitecruzr... anything like removing which
gadget would help, because plugging in each component back up and
testing is a huge task, which I built over 2 years. Also, the problem
is somewhat linked to followers gadget, as it is in the last couple of
weeks since the code change, I am experiencing this issue.
But suddenly the following problem has risen on my blog...2 days back.
"rpc_relay.html" keeps reloading 2 times a second!!...on individual blog entry links...
....and prevents IE7 and IE8 from displaying the blog entries.."operation aborted".
Please help! 70% of my viewers can not load my blog entries anymore!!
Thanks for the information, at least one can know what is going on with the blogs.
I removed all the gadgets and it cleaned all the history of the browser and it also showed the same message after that.
I replaced the 'google friend connect' affected template with a copy of template I had saved just before installing 'google friend connect'.
My blog is ok, now!
Thank you so much for your efforts, much appreciated!
It is most frustrating, are there any new developments/suggestions as to what makes it do this ?
Any help would be gretaly appreciated.
I guess it's much to do with Microsoft Patch Update, then with Google changing their code to make it work for IE.
I had almost deserted IE for others... now can hope that those who love browsing sites through IE would not be disappointed any more.
It works fine in IE 8
I use Windows VISTA
I do not have freind connect widget but have added the commenting system intense debate. the blog directory widgets were taking forever to load so I removed them as well, aslo the video bar and the search bar which were taking time to load. But no improvement and still shows operation aborted in IE7.